Homepage Feature

The Diamond Alum Award. Diamonds shine bright at PCC 1
The college is honoring these outstanding alums for their contribution to the community and how they exemplify the values of the college Posted March 28, 2012
PCC partners in new EMS simulator
After more than three years of planning and development, the high fidelity mobile simulation vehicle was unveiled on Monday, March 5 and will help PCC health programs at the Cascade and Sylvania campuses Posted March 21, 2012
Riders coast in Longboarding 101
It's the only class where students can coast and get good grades. Longboarding 101 starts up again April 4 Posted March 15, 2012
Students find path to job offers from tech giant
PCC’s Microelectronics Technology Program has fostered a relationship with Intel Corporation to advise on best practices and develop a pipeline of qualified workers Posted March 12, 2012
Contractors bond with PCC students
Through the PCC Bond Program, contractors on college projects have opened their doors to student interns Posted February 29, 2012
VIDEO: Telling the PCC story
The college teamed up with a celebrated local theatre director to produce a play that is about the college’s history Posted February 27, 2012
History Series Part 3: Cascade Campus an education gateway for North Portland 4
In comparison to PCC's well-documented "Battle for Rock Creek," the development of the Cascade Campus was a breeze with the minor exception of one, stubborn elderly couple Posted February 20, 2012
A map of where the installation will reside. Rock Creek getting big solar array 1
Located at the Rock Creek Campus, the array will reduce energy costs, enhance academic programs and provide temporary jobs Posted February 8, 2012
PCC District President Preston Pulliams (left) and PSU President Wim Wiewel sign the new dual enrollment agreement. PCC, PSU renew co-enrollment deal
The two schools renewed a streamlined co-admission agreement that makes it easier for students to take classes at both institutions Posted February 1, 2012
The 2012 Cascade Festival of African Films poster. African film festival starts Feb. 3
This year’s Cascade Festival of African Films, one of the longest running of its kind in the U.S. at 22 years, features appearances by two young directors who focus on the lives of Africans newly arrived in the United States Posted January 25, 2012