Homepage Feature

Heartbeat 5K a good fit
A partnership between Portland Community College and the American Heart Association will help benefit youth fitness in the Portland area. […] Posted April 2, 2007
Carmen Martinez: A new twist to a bone-crushing story
Part two of two: Last week: The Rock Creek chemistry instructor finds herself in a life-and-death struggle on Mt. Hood. […] Posted April 2, 2007
Carmen Martinez: Broken arm, but not spirit
Part one of two: In February of 2006, Rock Creek Campus chemistry instructor Carmen Martinez never saw it coming. Thankfully, […] Posted April 2, 2007
Top-10 Stories of 2007
Best of 2007 Each week during the past year, we featured the story of a student, faculty or staff member […] Posted April 2, 2007
Pre-apprentice class boosts diversity in trades
Bryan Comer, an off and on again PCC student, has spent the better part of eight years in odd jobs […] Posted March 26, 2007
Frances Johnson, at your service
For the past five years, Frances Johnson has been giving back. After years as a registered nurse in the Navy […] Posted March 26, 2007
Lopez is in the right CAMP
Luis Lopez is an example of how the College Assistance Migrant Program (CAMP) can make a difference for a student […] Posted March 19, 2007
Southern Charm in the Pacific Northwest
As President of PCC’s Cascade Campus, one of Algie Gatewood’s top priorities is increasing the attendance and retention of young […] Posted March 19, 2007
High schoolers get preview of college
In February, the Rock Creek Campus attracted more than 370 high school students to its inaugural Preview Day, a recruitment […] Posted March 12, 2007
Local small biz quenches community’s thirst
When Bill Kendrix retired from his 30-year stint with the Portland Fire Department, he found himself using the essential element […] Posted March 12, 2007