Opportunity Center at 42nd Avenue

Facilities Planning Forums Set 2
Carve out room on the calendar Wednesday, May 24 to stop by one of the “open house” forums being hosted at the Cascade and Rock Creek campuses Posted May 20, 2017
'Friday Forum' welcomes PCC Prez 1
On Friday, May 19, Portland Community College will be center stage by way of the City Club of Portland and its prestigious weekly “Friday Forum” program Posted May 15, 2017
Khalid el-Hakim The Art of Black History 2
Khalid el-Hakim’s mobile art exhibit about African-American culture informs PCC community Posted February 13, 2017
LITE Applications Due Sept. 7 2
Conflict resolution, compassion, skill-building. . . all are part of a novel new resource coming to PCC this fall: the […] Posted August 26, 2016
Mark Mitsui selected to be college's seventh president PCC Taps New President
Mark Mitsui has been chosen by the board to become college's next leader Posted July 22, 2016
Cosmetology Grads Shine Bright 3
It’s “that time of year”: springtime and the season of graduation and academic completion ceremonies at Portland Community College Posted June 7, 2016
Staff Profile: Massi Hunaidi 4
Hunaidi is one of five Classified staff at PCC being recognized for her contribution to the college for PCC’s Classified Employee Appreciation Week Posted March 4, 2016
Global Win for Cascade
The Albina-Killingsworth Safe Neighborhood Commission — the community safety organization based out of Portland Community College’s Cascade Campus – has been named the runner-up for the annual Herman Goldstein Award for Excellence in Problem-Oriented Policing, a worldwide competition among innovative community policing initiatives Posted November 9, 2015
Needed: Women soccer players 1
Female athletes -- especially soccer athletes -- are in the news and enjoying the spotlight, with the U.S. Women’s National soccer team having nabbed the World Cup title this month Posted July 17, 2015
Career Reboot 6
PCC earns a $540,000 grant to fund program that targets the under and unemployed Posted July 6, 2015