
PCC chooses THA Architecture for CAS
The firm beat out 18 other companies to provide comprehensive architectural services for the campus for upcoming bond work Posted December 21, 2009
Bicycle commuting grows in popularity at PCC 1
If you were at the Cascade Campus on the first day of fall classes the sight was unavoidable – bike […] Posted December 14, 2009
Take the Blue Train
Progress is happening at the first two new facilities being paid for by the voter-approved 2008 bond measure. In Washington […] Posted December 7, 2009
Take the Blue Train
What do PCC’s newest facilities have in common? They both sit on TriMet’s MAX blue line. Posted December 7, 2009
Former SBDC student in charge of casting ‘Twilight’ movie in Oregon
Lana Veenker, who helped cast the movie “Twilight” and the TNT series “Leverage” in Oregon, was a 2005 graduate of […] Posted November 20, 2009
Credit students of all ages flocking to community college
Portland Community College’s core enrollment is continuing its rapid growth – rising by 15.4 percent versus this time a year […] Posted October 28, 2009
Local welders on board with ship’s repair
The two former PCC welding students at the Swan Island Training Center are plying their skills down at Vigor Industrial’s ship repair yard. Posted August 24, 2009
PCC gets ‘Old Fashioned’ at Newberg festival
Teresa Salinas, outreach and orientation coordinator for PCC Sylvania and Southeast Center, staffs PCC’s informational booth at Newberg’s annual Old […] Posted July 30, 2009
Free health care leads students to fit academic careers
When Debbie Stone talks about what Kaiser Permanente’s program has done for her students, it’s hard not to get choked […] Posted July 27, 2009
Seems we under-estimated one waiting list
Nine days to go. We’ve been using some numbers for students on waiting lists. Come to find out, we’ve been […] Posted October 27, 2008