
A computer screen showing a grid of students using Zoom during a choir class, with sheet music shown on the left half of the screen The Choir Carries On
The music isn't stopping for the choirs or classes this spring Posted April 13, 2020
Garden Learning Blossoms in Digital World 1
Even though PCC is operating remotely through spring term, the Cascade garden isn't cancelling its learning activities Posted April 7, 2020
Student working on a tablet computer Going Virtual
In light of COVID-19, PCC staff and faculty go that extra mile to move services, instruction online Posted April 6, 2020
Cascade Library Online Library, Bookstore Services Available
As the college has moved to online classes and remote instruction this spring term, the PCC Bookstore and Library have stepped up Posted April 3, 2020
View of Karin Gitchel's Zoom meeting. Virtual Tutoring Makes Debut
Students in many subject areas will now have access to Virtual Tutoring Posted April 1, 2020
Trees along a campus walkway Growing Assets 4
A district-wide survey documented the college's 3,800 trees Posted March 30, 2020
President Mitsui A Message from the President
Mark Mitsui thanks the PCC community for its efforts during the COVID-19 crisis Posted March 23, 2020
donations stack PCC Steps Up to Fight COVID-19
In total, PCC has collected 11,427 items for donation, including 10K pairs of gloves, 450 exam tissues and 245 caps Posted March 20, 2020
Student welding in shop Sparking Demand
PCC's welding instruction is helping to fill the talent gap in the manufacturing industry Posted March 16, 2020
Student graduate Title III Grant to Help Students 'RISE' 4
Funds will help implement a needed student support project and boost overall completion Posted March 10, 2020