
PCC-Led Initiative Joins National Skills Coalition
Pathways to Opportunity is joining the national organization’s two key support networks Posted March 5, 2020
Amy Petit holds laser-cut lantern. Maker of Things 7
Amy Petit is leading non-credit MakerLab classes where students design and create works of art Posted March 2, 2020
Allia Smith in lab The Test of Time 3
No matter where she’s been, medical lab student Allia Smith is going places Posted February 24, 2020
telling her story Southeast Campus Welcomes Back cultureSEast
The three-day series seeks to bridge identity, culture and community through storytelling, visual arts, workshops, and conversations Posted February 19, 2020
Salomon working on a car Repairing His Education 3
Salomon Luna is driving toward a PCC auto service degree in green technology Posted February 17, 2020
MWESB event PCC Outreach Event For Minority Firms
COBID-certified contractors and consultants can learn about opportunities with the college Posted February 14, 2020
Cascade Campus Cascade Skill Center Open House Feb. 21
The Community Arts and Technology Studio (CATS), which is part of the Margaret Carter Skill Center at Portland Community College’s Cascade Campus in North Portland, is holding an open house from noon to 7 p.m., Friday, Feb. 21, in the Technology Education Building Posted February 13, 2020
Early Child Development staff with kids. Kresge Foundation Gives Student Families a BOOST
The college and its partner Albina Head Start are receiving $495,000 to connect low-income residents to services Posted February 12, 2020
Poster for documentary PCC Screens "Alternative Facts" Documentary
The film is an award-winning documentary examining the World War II order Posted February 10, 2020
Groundbreakers digging with shovels PCC Breaks Ground in Columbia County 2
The future PCC OMIC facility in Columbia County will train the next generation of advanced manufacturing workers Posted February 10, 2020