
Steven Black poses in front of engine bay. A Call to Duty 1
Fire Protection’s Steven Black is passionate about training future firefighters Posted April 8, 2019
Legal Fees Waived, Lives Changed 4
Last month, Legal Services Day at Portland Community College’s Cascade Campus was designed to help low-income community members climb out from beneath that mountain Posted April 1, 2019
Speed culturing at rock creek. Culture in Overdrive 3
Programs at PCC are giving students a crash course on culture and language skills Posted April 1, 2019
Yadira Baltier-Moreno Intern Baltier-Moreno is Planning Ahead
Yadira Baltier-Moreno is learning about the legislative process first-hand as one of 11 PCC students interning at the Oregon State Capitol. Posted March 28, 2019
crowd People Pack Cascade to Testify for Better Funding
Members of the committee listened to pleas to fully fund community colleges Posted March 22, 2019
two contractors pose. Building Bridges for Underrepresented Contractors
It’s impossible to miss the many cranes looming over downtown Portland, or the new housing and retail projects cropping up […] Posted March 21, 2019
Usha Ramanujam All Business 7
In Usha Ramanujam’s accounting classroom, support and career guidance are the norm Posted March 18, 2019
Eye examination Clear Career Visions 1
Students Jennifer Thornton and Audrey Broussard are excited about their new careers in health care Posted February 25, 2019
MWESB networking event, Feb. 28 Networking Opp for MWESB Contractors
Contractors who qualify as MWESB and SDV – minority, women, emerging small businesses, and service disabled veterans – are invited to participate in a workshop hosted by Portland Community College on Thursday, Feb. 28, from 5:30-7:30 p.m. in the Community Hall Annex at the Southeast Campus Posted February 20, 2019
Mike Campbell and Korey Theberge in ET lab. Electric Education 3
Electronic Engineering alums Mike Campbell and Korey Theberge build great careers at Intel Posted February 18, 2019