
Trash Becomes Art at Sylvania 1
The Sylvania Campus's North View Gallery will present a series of artwork created from discarded material curated by artist Brenda Mallory during her exhibition “A Further Gleaning” Posted March 1, 2016
Youngsters Get Food For Thought 1
The Food for Thought Expedition, a partnership between PCC's Rock Creek Campus and Springville K-8 School, hopes to transform 105 seventh and eighth graders into conscious consumers who will not only make healthier food choices later in life, but will understand the role food plays in the global society Posted February 24, 2016
'Arabian Nights' Heats Up Stage
Be whisked away by classic stories of the Middle East and South Asia as Portland Community College Theatre Arts Program presents part one of “The Arabian Nights” from March 4-5 and March 10-13 at the Sylvania Campus Performing Arts Center Posted February 23, 2016
Busy March for RC Music Program
Two free March concerts at Portland Community College's Rock Creek Campus are sure to please choral music aficionados Posted February 22, 2016
RC's Barbie Project Returns
The annual Barbie Project at the Rock Creek Campus is dedicated to raising awareness about this national crisis Posted February 16, 2016
The Shopmaster for Bikes 3
David Lewis is learning machine manufacturing skills to grow his bike tooling business Posted February 15, 2016
Skylights Brighten Sylvania 2
The 18-by-54-foot-long skylight — part of the Phase II improvements funded by the 2008 voter-approved bond measure — was installed between the Information Desk and the East Entry and features the same vibrant yellow walls as the skylight that was added to the lower mall in Phase I Posted February 10, 2016
Future Investments to Pay Off
The workforce needs of Portland’s manufacturing center were front and center at the Swan Island Trades Center Posted February 8, 2016
Choirs Bring the Right Notes 1
The non-competitive event gave students an opportunity to perform and to be evaluated by college-level choir directors Posted February 5, 2016
Totem Pole Enjoys a Few Visitors
The Sylvania Campus welcomed more than 25 guests from Lake Oswego Reads Program on Tuesday, Feb. 2, to visit the campus’ "Welcoming Pole" Posted February 4, 2016