Rock Creek Campus

Learning Garden tomato plants with a sign that says 'PCC Community Garden' A Garden for Everyone 7
A strategic partnership has made the Rock Creek Campus Learning Garden far more accessible Posted December 6, 2021
Greg Contreras Making a Difference 9
CAMP gives children of migrant farm workers a path toward a college degree Posted November 15, 2021
Technician servicing machine Manufacturing Skilled Workers 1
High-tech manufacturing students at PCC are being recruited for jobs before they graduate Posted November 8, 2021
Team in action Panthers Prowl into Playoffs, Host Big Match
The Panthers host a first round playoff game at 2 p.m., Wednesday Nov. 3, at Rock Creek Posted October 28, 2021
Dragon dance Initiative Brings PCC Closer to Global Culture
Initiative oversees the infusion of internationalization into the entire college ecosystem Posted October 28, 2021
Cascade_interior_student_union-2 Panel Series Showcases Transfer Opportunities
The upcoming virtual panel series is designed to enhance transfer opportunities for students of color Posted October 26, 2021
Tamir Yizhaki Keeping the Promise
New to the U.S., Tamir Yizhaki found the financial support he needed through Oregon Promise Posted October 25, 2021
PCC_Sylvania-SC-Building_2000x1333 Feedback Needed on Facilities Planning
This feedback will help finalize the college’s Facilities Plan, which is its vision for future growth Posted October 4, 2021
welder welding. Driving Sustainability
New energy-efficient buildings funded by the 2008 and 2017 voter-approved bond measures are taking shape Posted September 30, 2021
Dental student working on a model robot patient A Sustained Reopening
After 18 months of remote operations, PCC is transitioning back to some in-person training and services Posted September 27, 2021