Employee News

Student-led 'Duality' exhibit starts Nov. 21
Beginning Tuesday, Nov. 21, several art classes will present the student art exhibit, “Duality,” in Room CT 125 at the […] Posted November 11, 2007
SHORTTAKES: PCC to help WIRED project with career and training needs
The PCC Grants Office announced that the college’s Workforce & Economic Development Division of the Extended Learning Campus is a […] Posted November 6, 2007
Symposium explored Chinese culture and relevance
The Asian studies faculty at PCC concluded a symposium, “Looking over the Wall: Understanding the Old and New China,” from […] Posted October 31, 2007
PEOPLE and PLACES: Reardon named Teacher of the Year by OBME
Verna Reardon, instructor and department chair for Comp Applications and Office Systems at Cascade Campus has been named as the […] Posted October 31, 2007
Folk music festival at Cascade on Nov. 1
On Thursday, Nov. 1, the Portland FolkMusic Society is presenting a folk festival through the Cascade Campus Professional Music Program. […] Posted October 26, 2007
Get Connected to News at PCC
Ever wondered where the staff newsletter “The Insider” went? Do you also wonder where you can find staff and faculty […] Posted October 26, 2007
Bradbury back at PCC with 'Inconvenient Truth' stats
Oregon Secretary of State Bill Bradbury will appear at the Cascade Campus to give the Oregon perspective to Al Gore’s […] Posted October 25, 2007
Former PCC student's art work on display at Cascade Gallery
The Cascade Art Gallery is hosting the exhibition, “Derek Franklin, Anthologies of Collage,” through Nov. 21 in Terrell Hall 102. […] Posted October 25, 2007
PCC Action Team chips in for good cause
The PCC Action Team was “in action” on Oct. 6 for Comcast/Hands On Greater Portland’s Cares Day. Kim Smith, sociology […] Posted October 24, 2007
Portland Development Commission awards PCC grant for classrooms
The Grants Office at PCC has announced the award of $20,000 from the Portland Development Commission to the PCC Physical […] Posted October 24, 2007