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Linh Thang analyzing a person's eye Student Linh Thang uses support systems to stay on course for in-demand degree
Thanks to PCC's network of support services and resources, student Linh Thang can focus her sights on an associate degree in ophthalmology Thursday, November 30th, 2023
Coach Bundy PCC’s Shawn Bundy named ‘Coach of the Year’ in women’s soccer
Without any returning players, Shawn Bundy and his staff rebuilt the team and finished fourth place, earning him Coach of the Year Monday, November 27th, 2023
Tony Broadous celebrates the 2014 NAACC title. Basketball champ Tony Broadous appointed PCC’s athletic director
Tony Broadous has a strong background in athletics and an impressive track record, bringing a wealth of experience and a championship pedigree Wednesday, October 25th, 2023
Poppie and Heather Heather Lang, PCC’s VP of Student Affairs, given Legacy of Excellence Award
Lang is the inaugural 2023 Student Success and Retention, Legacy of Excellence Awardee as determined by student affairs practitioners from around the state and southern Washington Friday, February 10th, 2023
Jaclyn Rae A food-sensitive, animal-loving PCC alum creates alternative recipes for healthier living
Jaclyn Rae, a 2019 PCC grad, offers healthy plant-based, locally sourced sustainable breakfasts and snacks in outlets, coffee shops and food co-ops Thursday, February 2nd, 2023
PCC joins Literary Arts Portland Book Festival’s ‘Cover to Cover’ with Carolyn Moore book launch
The book release of “The Great Uncluttering, The Collected Poetry of Carolyn Moore” is the focus of the college’s first event with Literary Arts Portland Book Festival's "Cover to Cover" series with a panel of talented writers Tuesday, October 25th, 2022
Heifara Wheeler EET’s Heifara Wheeler earns national New Century Scholarship via Coca-Cola
Heifara Wheeler, an EET student and Panther Pantry organizer, earns impressive national recognition Monday, July 4th, 2022
Catherine Horwitz In ‘Meals Matter’ workshop, students learn cooking and food literacy skills 4
AmeriCorps' Catherine Horwitz is teaching PCC students how to build cooking and food literacy skills Monday, April 11th, 2022
Person wearing mask handing a package to another person outside Top Stories Part 1: Student support and success take center stage in 2021
Student success and support was a key theme as PCC rebounded from the pandemic Monday, December 20th, 2021
Students picks up her laptop computer PCC, Comcast hand out 250 Dell Chromebook to students 14
The event celebrated Comcast’s 10-year anniversary of its Internet Essentials Program, which offers low-cost, high-speed internet for low‑income households Thursday, September 16th, 2021