Online Faculty Summit-Encore Presentations
Online Faculty Summit: Live Encore Presentation Recordings
Welcome! If you missed the presentations, this is where you can watch the recordings (or check out our playlist on YouTube!)
November 7 with Casey Twining: Creating Engaging Activities with H5P
Additional links mentioned:
Also, check out the written tutorials for each of the activities as you explore!
November 21 with Stacie Williams: Tips and Tricks for using D2L Rubrics
December 4 with Andre Temkin and Melany Buddiman: Connecting to Your Students with Voicethread
Upcoming Summit Encore Presentations
Real-Time Conversations at the Center of an Online Classroom
Visit Jimena’s site: Everyday Social Justice
Tips and Tricks handout [pdf] for synchronous online discussions
Example of the Syllabus and Instructions for the Excel strategy (to organize groups)