Online Faculty Summit-Encore Presentations

Online Faculty Summit: Live Encore Presentation Recordings

An animated .gif with stars twinkling for the Online Faculty Summit Encore Presentations
Welcome! If you missed the presentations, this is where you can watch the recordings (or check out our playlist on YouTube!)

November 7 with Casey Twining: Creating Engaging Activities with H5P

Additional links mentioned:

Contact an ITS

Also, check out the written tutorials for each of the activities as you explore!

November 21 with Stacie Williams: Tips and Tricks for using D2L Rubrics

December 4 with Andre Temkin and Melany Buddiman: Connecting to Your Students with Voicethread

Upcoming Summit Encore Presentations

Real-Time Conversations at the Center of an Online Classroom

Visit Jimena’s site: Everyday Social Justice

Tips and Tricks handout [pdf] for synchronous online discussions

Example of the Syllabus and Instructions for the Excel strategy (to organize groups)