Quality matters workshops

PCC Distance Education offers two excellent Quality Matters workshops for instructors who would like to take their course design and instructional delivery to the next level or to become involved in peer reviewing of courses. One of these workshops is typically offered each term, sometimes face-to-face and sometimes online, or a combination. Please see the descriptions below. In addition to these, funding is sometimes available to cover the registration of other Quality Matters workshops, e.g. the Teaching Online Certificate workshops.

Look for announcements about upcoming workshops sent through email or contact Greg Kaminski (gkaminsk@pcc.edu) for more information or to express interest.

Improving your Online Course

This workshop explores the QM Rubric and provides a framework to improve the quality of your own online course. Participants use the QM Rubric to review their own courses and develop a course improvement plan. The content is based on the 21 essential specific review standards of the Quality Matters Rubric. Participants come away with a plan for course improvement, so enrolling in the workshop with an online course to work on is required. Participants will also identify strategies to improve the actual delivery of their online course. Face-to-face versions of the workshop are offered as two half-days or one full day. For the online version, participants should block out up to 2 hours a day over the two week period of the workshop.

Testimonials: Feedback from former participants

Applying the Quality Matters Rubric

This workshop explores the Quality Matters Rubric and provides a framework to improve the quality of online courses. This is the QM foundation workshop for anyone who might be interested in participating on a peer review team in the future. Participants will be able to apply the strategies to their own online course design, but the focus of the workshop is on peer reviewing another course. During this workshop participants have the opportunity to explore many standards of the Quality Matters rubric in depth, and to apply those standards to a demo course. This workshop is the first of two workshops leading to becoming certified as a QM peer reviewer. This is a professional development activity that requires a good deal of dedicated time in order to complete the numerous engaging activities. For the online version, participants should block out an average of about 2 hours a day over the two week period of the workshop, a solid 20 hours total. There might also be full-day face-to-face options.