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Showing results for "quickpoll":

Feet balancing on a railroad track Quickpoll Results: Overall, how is remote learning going for you? 1
Academic Advisor Alexa Johnson synthesizes the feedback from the a student quickpoll about how remote courses are going. Tuesday, February 23rd, 2021
A classroom with empty seats Quickpoll Results: Is maintaining attendance in remote classes challenging? 4
Summarizing student responses to the prompt "Is maintaining attendance in remote classes challenging?" Monday, February 8th, 2021
a frustrated student working on a laptop Quickpoll Results: What have you struggled with in one of your current classes? 3
Advising coordinator Michelle Luff summarizes results from the student quick poll "What have you struggled with in one of your current classes?" Tuesday, January 26th, 2021
Hands typing on a laptop Quickpoll Results: What is expected of you
For our next installment in this series, the Online Learning Student Services team wanted to know if students have a […] Monday, January 4th, 2021
hands on a computer keyboard Prepping for the next academic year
Rondi combines a reading list of options to help you prepare for the coming academic year of online/hybrid/remote learning. Friday, June 4th, 2021