Distance Education

Feet balancing on a railroad track Quickpoll Results: Overall, how is remote learning going for you? 1
Academic Advisor Alexa Johnson synthesizes the feedback from the a student quickpoll about how remote courses are going. Posted February 23, 2021
A classroom with empty seats Quickpoll Results: Is maintaining attendance in remote classes challenging? 4
Summarizing student responses to the prompt "Is maintaining attendance in remote classes challenging?" Posted February 8, 2021
a frustrated student working on a laptop Quickpoll Results: What have you struggled with in one of your current classes? 3
Advising coordinator Michelle Luff summarizes results from the student quick poll "What have you struggled with in one of your current classes?" Posted January 26, 2021
Stacie Williams Another way to think about grading feedback 11
A couple of years ago I was teaching about what healthy and unhealthy communication can look like in relationships. And […] Posted January 11, 2021
Hands typing on a laptop Quickpoll Results: What is expected of you
For our next installment in this series, the Online Learning Student Services team wanted to know if students have a […] Posted January 4, 2021
Upload file icon Quarterly Updates for Winter 2021 4
Updates to the online learning ecosystem for Winter 2021. Posted December 30, 2020
Anonymous student feedback What has made you feel successful in one of your classes? 6
Summary of student responses to "What has made you feel successful in one of your classes?" Posted December 7, 2020
Megan Savage Crisis Check-Ins 2
In part 2, Megan shares guiding principles for learning during a crisis along with a key strategy for connecting with students at the beginning of a term. Posted November 23, 2020
Image of dog at a computer Creating Connection and Community 8
English faculty Megan Savage shares a few techniques to improve connection in remote instruction using breakout groups. Don't miss this one. Posted November 10, 2020
The new library widget has more options, including custom course guides Updates to the D2L Brightspace Library Widget 
The Library has updated the Library widget in D2L Brightspace to include new custom course guides. Posted October 26, 2020