Letter of Agreement Terms
These are the following Letter of Agreement terms for Academic Years 2019-2020, 2020-2021, 2021-2022, and 2022-2023 that apply to all letters of agreement.
Technology Requirements
To successfully teach online, instructors must have the following technology resources. If instructors are using a College issued computer, such computers should already meet the hardware and software requirements. If instructors are using their own computer, they may need to install additional software to meet College requirements.
High speed internet: Instructors need a broadband connection or high-speed wireless. Instructors should have at least 1Mbps download and upload, though experiences will be better with faster speeds. You can test your connection speed.
- A microphone: Instructors should have a microphone to record audio clips and participate in web conferencing. We recommend a USB headphone/microphone combination.
- Webcam: Instructors should have a webcam either built-in the computer or a USB option that will allow for video recording.
- Instructors should have a modern operating system (Windows 8 or 10, Mac OS 10.10 or later). Linux can work but the college does not provide support for it.
- A modern web browser: The latest version Firefox, Google Chrome, or Safari are recommended. It is always a good idea to have at least two browsers available.
- Office Suite: Instructors can use the College-provided Google Suite or you can use another platform like Microsoft Office or LibreOffice.
- Anti-virus software: Since personal computers have access to personally identifiable information, the college requires that you have anti-virus software installed. Here are some recommendations from IT.
Instructional Standards for Distance Learning/Online Courses
Learner Outcomes and Content Presentation
- Course meets standards of approved courses content and outcomes guide.
- Learning outcomes are clearly and explicitly stated and available publicly.
- Learning outcomes address both mastery of content as well as improved learning skills.
- Learning outcomes reflect high and clear expectations of learners.
- Content is related to the stated outcomes.
- Course materials are current.
- Course employs effective instructional techniques.
Learner Activities
- Specific learning activities are structured and sequenced to assist learners in achieving stated goals.
- Activities permit learners to have control over time, place, and pace of learning.
- Activities are planned to actively engage the learners in the learning process.
- Activities respect diverse talents and ways of learning.
- Activities include frequent, meaningful interactions among learners, between learners and content and between learners and faculty.
- Requisite technology skills are clearly identified.
- Course activities include interaction with academic support and advising staff when appropriate.
- Course includes support for students to develop confidence and competence with the processes and technology of distance education.
- Activities include opportunities for reciprocity and cooperation among students.
- Evaluation of student performance is based on measures of the achievement of the stated learning outcomes.
- Instruments and activities are congruent with learning outcomes and are consistent with the skills required of learners.
- Assessment activities are integral to the process of learning and allow for self-assessment, identification of areas where review is needed, and the establishment of interim learning goals.
- Assessment accommodates the needs and situation of the learner.
- Assessment of learner activities includes frequency of interactions and participation.
- Assessment is based on multiple opportunities to perform and receive feedback.
- Feedback from assessments is prompt.
Instructional Design
- Instructional design creates dynamic and positive relationships among methods, content and technologies.
- Selection of tools and media is based on ability to support the learning goals and objectives.
- Instructors and students are prepared to use selected tools and media.
- Choices reflect accessibility and are prepared to use selected tools and media.
- Design includes appropriate use of library resources and is in accordance with copyright laws and policies.
- Design reflects the diversity of potential learners.
- Design incorporates supported technologies.
- SACC involvement in selection of method(s) of delivery and instructional design.
Revision Terms
Using an existing course shell created by PCC faculty, the instructor will make substantial revisions to course content, learning activities, and/or assessments. The development process includes faculty training, course revision, Online Learning (OL) review and recommendation, and Division Dean approval. The instructor agrees to follow all of the training and revision guidelines and timelines established by OL. Requests for changes to the timeline must be made by the Chair or Division Dean and approved by the Dean of Online Learning. Courses not meeting the established timelines or course standards may be cancelled by the Online Learning Division.
Training, revision, and course design
- The instructor agrees to follow all of the training and revision guidelines and timelines established by OL.
- Requests for changes to the timeline must be made by the Chair or Division Dean and approved by the Dean of Online Learning.
- Courses not meeting the established timelines or course standards may be cancelled by the Online Learning Division.
- OL will provide assistance and feedback for instructors during the revision period and the first teach term.
- Instructors must complete the PCC online instructor training.
- Training must be completed before a teaching shell is provided.
- Instructors that have already completed the training will be provided additional support during the revision process through one-on-one support and may participate in group training.
- The course must be developed in the approved PCC learning management system, Brightspace, may not require on-campus attendance, meet all PCC online course quality and accessibility standards, and be approved by the division dean before the course may be offered.
- A new online course will be developed in the PCC learning management system using a shell provided by the OL Division.
- Where on-campus attendance is an option for some learning activities or assessments, clearly identified alternatives for students to complete the entire course without on-campus attendance must be clearly outlined in the syllabus and in the course overview content. On-campus attendance options and clearly identified alternatives for completing the course without on-campus requirements must be made available on the Class Details Page by the first day of registration.
- The course must include the PCC approved course content and outcome guide describing student outcomes expected in the course and must include:
- a syllabus, links to the appropriate college online student support services, course and module-level outcomes, content, learning activities, assessments, assignments, and discussions.
- Faculty should follow the guidelines in What Works Well in Online Teaching at PCC [pdf].
- Course content must adhere to PCC online course quality [pdf] and accessibility standards. OL will provide support to assist instructors in meeting quality and accessibility standards.
- Course must include a link to the PCC Online Learning Division’s resources for students.
- Courses will be fully developed, recommended, and approved by the Division Dean prior to the first term that they are scheduled to be offered.
- The College reserves the right to cancel an agreement due to any uncompleted revision work or any failure by the instructor/s to meet the terms of the agreement including failure to meet the agreed upon time. Changes to timelines must be requested by the Chair or Division Dean and approved by the Dean of Online Learning.
- The Chair or Division Dean or instructor will notify the Dean of Online Learning as soon as possible if conditions arise that impact the instructor in meeting the terms of this agreement.
- Addendums or cancellations to the agreement and/or its terms will be documented, recorded, and communicated as needed.
Course review and approval process
- An initial meeting with the instructor and an OL staff member is required before the instructor may begin working on the course. This is later followed by a course progress check conducted by the faculty mentor and OL accessibility advocate to ensure that the course revision is on track.
- The course must be ready for final review and recommendation per the stated timeline. The division dean will review the course and grant final approval before the course is offered online.
- OL will complete a final course design review to ensure that the course addresses required elements on or after this date.
- The review and recommendation is shared with the instructor, the Division Dean, and Dean of Online Learning.
- Course revision stipends are paid, if applicable, following Division Dean approval.
- Courses not ready to be reviewed for final approval per the revision timeline require a formal request for an extension. Extensions to timelines must be made by the Chair or Dean and approved by the Dean of Online Learning.
- In the absence of an agreement otherwise, instructional materials or processes produced by a faculty member or academic professional with College support, by way of use of significant personnel time, facilities, or other College resources, will be owned by the college, and can be shared with other PCC instructors.
- The college will pay the contract rate as identified in the Faculty/AP Agreement for the revision of the course addressed by this agreement.
- PCC will provide the instructor with appropriate access to a computer and the learning management system necessary to teach.
- Specifically agreed upon timelines are listed on this Agreement.
This is an official agreement specifying expectations, ownership, and compensation. If you have any questions consult the Online Learning Division, your Division Dean, or the Faculty Federation.
Technology Requirements
To successfully teach online, instructors must have the following technology resources. If instructors are using a College issued computer, such computers should already meet the hardware and software requirements. If instructors are using their own computer, they may need to install additional software to meet College requirements.
High speed internet: Instructors need a broadband connection or high-speed wireless. Instructors should have at least 1Mbps download and upload, though experiences will be better with faster speeds. You can test your connection speed.
- A microphone: Instructors should have a microphone to record audio clips and participate in web conferencing. We recommend a USB headphone/microphone combination.
- Webcam: Instructors should have a webcam either built-in the computer or a USB option that will allow for video recording.
- Instructors should have a modern operating system (Windows 8 or 10, Mac OS 10.10 or later). Linux can work but the college does not provide support for it.
- A modern web browser: The latest version Firefox, Google Chrome, or Safari are recommended. It is always a good idea to have at least two browsers available.
- Office Suite: Instructors can use the College-provided Google Suite or you can use another platform like Microsoft Office or LibreOffice.
- Anti-virus software: Since personal computers have access to personally identifiable information, the college requires that you have anti-virus software installed. Here are some recommendations from IT.
Instructional Standards for Distance Learning/Online Courses
Learner Outcomes and Content Presentation
- Course meets standards of approved courses content and outcomes guide.
- Learning outcomes are clearly and explicitly stated and available publicly.
- Learning outcomes address both mastery of content as well as improved learning skills.
- Learning outcomes reflect high and clear expectations of learners.
- Content is related to the stated outcomes.
- Course materials are current.
- Course employs effective instructional techniques.
Learner Activities
- Specific learning activities are structured and sequenced to assist learners in achieving stated goals.
- Activities permit learners to have control over time, place, and pace of learning.
- Activities are planned to actively engage the learners in the learning process.
- Activities respect diverse talents and ways of learning.
- Activities include frequent, meaningful interactions among learners, between learners and content and between learners and faculty.
- Requisite technology skills are clearly identified.
- Course activities include interaction with academic support and advising staff when appropriate.
- Course includes support for students to develop confidence and competence with the processes and technology of distance education.
- Activities include opportunities for reciprocity and cooperation among students.
- Evaluation of student performance is based on measures of the achievement of the stated learning outcomes.
- Instruments and activities are congruent with learning outcomes and are consistent with the skills required of learners.
- Assessment activities are integral to the process of learning and allow for self-assessment, identification of areas where review is needed, and the establishment of interim learning goals.
- Assessment accommodates the needs and situation of the learner.
- Assessment of learner activities includes frequency of interactions and participation.
- Assessment is based on multiple opportunities to perform and receive feedback.
- Feedback from assessments is prompt.
Instructional Design
- Instructional design creates dynamic and positive relationships among methods, content and technologies.
- Selection of tools and media is based on ability to support the learning goals and objectives.
- Instructors and students are prepared to use selected tools and media.
- Choices reflect accessibility and are prepared to use selected tools and media.
- Design includes appropriate use of library resources and is in accordance with copyright laws and policies.
- Design reflects the diversity of potential learners.
- Design incorporates supported technologies.
- SACC involvement in selection of method(s) of delivery and instructional design.
Development Terms
The development process includes faculty training, course development, Online Learning (OL) review and recommendation, and Division Dean approval. The instructor agrees to follow all of the training and development guidelines and timelines established by OL. Requests for changes to the timeline must be made by the Chair or Division Dean and approved by the Dean of Online Learning. Courses not meeting the established timelines or course standards may be cancelled by the Online Learning Division. [CUSTOM FIELD FOR ADDITIONAL OR SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT TERMS SUCH AS STIPEND SPLIT BETWEEN FACULTY OR DIVISION OTHER THAN OL PAYING FOR THE DEVELOPMENT]
Training, development, and course design
- The instructor agrees to follow all of the training and development guidelines and timelines established by OL.
- Requests for changes to the timeline must be made by the Chair or Division Dean and approved by the Dean of Online Learning .
- Courses not meeting the established timelines or course standards may be cancelled by the Online Learning Division.
- OL will provide assistance and feedback for instructors during the development period and the first teach term.
- Instructors must complete the PCC online instructor training.
- Training must be completed before a teaching shell is provided.
- Instructors that have already completed the training will be provided additional support during the development process through one-on-one support and may participate in group training.
- The course must be developed in the approved PCC learning management system, Brightspace, may not require on-campus attendance, meet all PCC online course quality and accessibility standards, and be approved by the division dean before the course may be offered.
- A new online course will be developed in the PCC learning management system using a shell provided by the Online Learning Division.
- Where on-campus attendance is an option for some learning activities or assessments, clearly identified alternatives for students to complete the entire course without on-campus attendance must be clearly outlined in the syllabus and in the course overview content. On-campus attendance options and clearly identified alternatives for completing the course without on-campus requirements must be made available on the Class Details Page by the first day of registration.
- The course must include the PCC approved course content and outcome guide describing student outcomes expected in the course, and
- Include a syllabus, links to the appropriate college online student support services, course and module-level outcomes, content, learning activities, assessments, assignments, and discussions.
- Faculty should follow the guidelines in What Works Well in Online Teaching at PCC [pdf].
- Course content must adhere to PCC online course quality [pdf] and accessibility standards. OL will provide support to assist instructors in meeting quality and accessibility standards.
- Include a link to the PCC Online Learning Division’s resources for students.
- Courses will be fully developed, recommended, and approved by the Division Dean prior to the first term that they are scheduled to be offered.
- The College reserves the right to cancel an agreement due to any uncompleted development work or any failure by the instructor/s to meet the terms of the agreement including failure to meet the agreed upon timeline. Changes to timelines must be requested by the Chair or Division Dean and approved by the Dean of Online Learning.
- The Chair or Division Dean or instructor will notify the OL Division Manager or OL and Instructional Support Dean as soon as possible if conditions arise that impact the instructor in meeting the terms of this agreement.
- Addendums or cancellations to the agreement and/or its terms will be documented, recorded, and communicated as needed.
Course review and approval process
- An initial meeting with the instructor and an OL staff member is required before the instructor may begin working on the course. This is later followed by a course progress check conducted by the faculty mentor assigned by OL to ensure that the course development is on track.
- The course must be ready for final review and recommendation per the stated timeline. The division dean will review the course and grant final approval before the course is offered online.
- OL will complete a final course design review to ensure that the course addresses required elements on or after this date.
- The review and recommendation is shared with the instructor, the Division Dean, and Dean of Online Learning.
- Course development stipends are paid, if applicable, following Division Dean approval.
- Courses not ready to be reviewed for final approval per the development timeline require a formal request for an extension. Extensions to timelines must be made by the Chair or Division Dean and approved by the Dean of Online Learning.
- In the absence of an agreement otherwise, instructional materials or processes produced by a faculty member or academic professional with College support, by way of use of significant personnel time, facilities, or other College resources, will be owned by the college, and can be shared with other PCC instructors.
- The college will pay the contract rate as identified in the Faculty/AP Agreement for the development of the course addressed by this agreement.
- PCC will provide the instructor with appropriate access to a computer and the learning management system necessary to teach.
- Specifically agreed upon timelines are listed on this Agreement.
Technology Requirements
To successfully teach online, instructors must have the following technology resources. If instructors are using a College issued computer, such computers should already meet the hardware and software requirements. If instructors are using their own computer, they may need to install additional software to meet College requirements.
High speed internet: Instructors need a broadband connection or high-speed wireless. Instructors should have at least 1Mbps download and upload, though experiences will be better with faster speeds. You can test your connection speed.
- A microphone: Instructors should have a microphone to record audio clips and participate in web conferencing. We recommend a USB headphone/microphone combination.
- Webcam: Instructors should have a webcam either built-in the computer or a USB option that will allow for video recording.
- Instructors should have a modern operating system (Windows 8 or 10, Mac OS 10.10 or later). Linux can work but the college does not provide support for it.
- A modern web browser: The latest version Firefox, Google Chrome, or Safari are recommended. It is always a good idea to have at least two browsers available.
- Office Suite: Instructors can use the College-provided Google Suite or you can use another platform like Microsoft Office or LibreOffice.
- Anti-virus software: Since personal computers have access to personally identifiable information, the college requires that you have anti-virus software installed. Here are some recommendations from IT.
Instructional Standards for Distance Learning/Online Courses
Learner Outcomes and Content Presentation
- Course meets standards of approved courses content and outcomes guide.
- Learning outcomes are clearly and explicitly stated and available publicly.
- Learning outcomes address both mastery of content as well as improved learning skills.
- Learning outcomes reflect high and clear expectations of learners.
- Content is related to the stated outcomes.
- Course materials are current.
- Course employs effective instructional techniques.
Learner Activities
- Specific learning activities are structured and sequenced to assist learners in achieving stated goals.
- Activities permit learners to have control over time, place, and pace of learning.
- Activities are planned to actively engage the learners in the learning process.
- Activities respect diverse talents and ways of learning.
- Activities include frequent, meaningful interactions among learners, between learners and content and between learners and faculty.
- Requisite technology skills are clearly identified.
- Course activities include interaction with academic support and advising staff when appropriate.
- Course includes support for students to develop confidence and competence with the processes and technology of distance education.
- Activities include opportunities for reciprocity and cooperation among students.
- Evaluation of student performance is based on measures of the achievement of the stated learning outcomes.
- Instruments and activities are congruent with learning outcomes and are consistent with the skills required of learners.
- Assessment activities are integral to the process of learning and allow for self-assessment, identification of areas where review is needed, and the establishment of interim learning goals.
- Assessment accommodates the needs and situation of the learner.
- Assessment of learner activities includes frequency of interactions and participation.
- Assessment is based on multiple opportunities to perform and receive feedback.
- Feedback from assessments is prompt.
Instructional Design
- Instructional design creates dynamic and positive relationships among methods, content and technologies.
- Selection of tools and media is based on ability to support the learning goals and objectives.
- Instructors and students are prepared to use selected tools and media.
- Choices reflect accessibility and are prepared to use selected tools and media.
- Design includes appropriate use of library resources and is in accordance with copyright laws and policies.
- Design reflects the diversity of potential learners.
- Design incorporates supported technologies.
- SACC involvement in selection of method(s) of delivery and instructional design.
Takeover Terms
- Course will use a copy of an existing Brightspace shell, developed by PCC faculty for Portland Community College.
- Course shell may be reviewed by PCC OL staff and/or Division Dean
- Course may be copied and shared with another PCC instructor
- Instructor will update the course syllabus, personal information and may make corrections to content and activities before the course is taught.