External workshops
These professional development opportunities are offered through the Online Learning Consortium (OLC) and Quality Matters (QM). They have been selected based on need as well as faculty feedback from previous offerings.
Workshop Details and Registration
Stipend & Registration Information
The PT faculty stipend is for full workshop completion. (Stipends are not available to Community Ed instructors. The completion stipend is also available to FT faculty during a non-contract period, typically summer.) Unless specified otherwise, the workshops are asynchronous spanning a period of 1-2 weeks, but there are usually daily due dates for workshop activities. The workshops are intensive. You’ll want to begin participating on the first day. Expected hours and dates are listed in the detailed schedule. (The hours are estimates. They can take longer. Online Learning pays the registration fee for the first attempt of any of the workshops, so please enroll with the goal of completion.)
Registration for each workshop is through the Cornerstone links provided.
Changes or cancellation need to be done in Cornerstone (MyCareer@PCC) (How to withdraw [pdf])
- For QM workshops: at least 3 days prior to the start date
- For OLC workshops: at least 7 days prior to the start date