BEES course
Course Description
BEES = Belonging, Equity, and Engagement Skills
BEES is condensed version of BEARS (Belonging, Equity, Access, and Retention Skills):
- BEARS is a six-week, fully online (asynchronous) course that serves as a capstone course within the Online Instructor Orientation (OIO), PCC’s training program to prepare instructors to teach their first online course at PCC. BEARS was added to the OIO in 2022 to support PCC’s B-JEDI work and strategic plan.
- BEES is a three-week, fully online (asynchronous) course that is intended to serve as a refresher course for online instructors who need to meet the 2023 – 27 FFAP contract requirement to be trained every three years.
The BEES course is designed for experienced PCC online instructors in two camps:
- Instructors who completed OIO before fall term 2022 (when the BEARS course was added to the OIO) and who therefore never received instruction in principles of belonging, equity, and engagement;
- Instructors who have taken BEARS but would like to refresh and refine skills that support belonging, equity, and engagement in their online courses.
BEES could also be taken by instructors of remote and remote + web courses, though the training wasn’t developed specifically for that population.
Time commitment:
- Three weeks – all asynchronous
- ~ 4-5 hours of work required each week
- Stipend: ~$350 (PT & FT Faculty)
- Maximize student belonging by:
- Distinguishing between belonging and fitting in;
- Setting up course activities in ways that maximize belonging;
- Using instructional techniques that maximize belonging.
- Use an understanding of principles of equity to create instructional plans that capitalize on differences.
- Use teaching techniques and technologies to maximize student engagement with course materials and other online students.
For more information, please contact Vicki Jeffries-Bilton.