POSM training

Course description

POSM = Planning for Online w/Scheduled Meetings (formerly “Remote” and “Remote/Web”)

  • POSM is a three-week, fully online (asynchronous) course that is intended to serve as introductory training for instructors who teach Online w/Scheduled Meetings, which includes both Fully Remote courses and Remote/Web courses.


The POSM course is designed for:

  1. Instructors who teach in Online w/Scheduled Meeting modality (either Fully Remote or Remote/Web courses)
  2. Instructors who may be new to the OSM modality or may have introductory level experience and/or introductory knowledge/use of D2L

Time commitment:

  • Three weeks – all asynchronous
  • ~ 3-4 hours of work required each week
  • Stipend: ~$300 (PT & FT Faculty)


  • Demonstrate knowledge of essential and high-impact practices in your OSM course, including: Regular and Substantive Interaction (RSI), equity, active-learning, and varied forms of interaction
  • Demonstrate knowledge of D2L in creating and supporting the essential framework of the course shell and additional components such as assignments, discussions, and quizzes
  • Ability to detail student engagement strategies including use of Zoom and other PCC-supported tools

For more information, please contact Vicki Jeffries-Bilton.