Out of state students

Special information for students living outside of Oregon about online classes

State authorization of online education is a complex and dynamic environment. If PCC does not currently provide online education in your state, please check back as the information changes often.

Important note for prospective students: If you are considering an academic program that leads to a professional license in your state, it is highly recommended that you first seek guidance from the appropriate licensing agency in your home state BEFORE beginning the academic program located outside your state.

PCC cannot currently offer online courses to students in the following states:
  • Northern Mariana Islands

Complaint resolution for PCC online students

If you live outside of Oregon, you can file a complaint in the state where you reside by using this state contact information [pdf] provided by the State Higher Education Executive Officers (SHEEO). For additional information on complaint resolution, visit the Appeals, Complaints and Feedback page.

Specific questions about PCC State Authorization of Online Education can be directed to the Registrar.

PCC is a member of the State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement (SARA).

Current as of 01/20/2020