Portland Community College | Portland, Oregon

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Outage Notice

On March 14, from 9pm until midnight, MyPCC and other services will be down for maintenance.  D2L Brightspace and Zoom will be available.

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Terms of use

MyPCC is an online community for the students, faculty, and staff of Portland Community College. MyPCC is a secure site that allows you to check email, register for PCC courses, communicate with other students and faculty, and take care of all aspects of college business.

Be advised that by entering your username and password on this site, you are requesting access to PCC systems and agree to the conditions of all applicable policies and contracts. Students also agree to the conditions of the Code of Student Conduct. Employees agree to abide by all applicable employee policies and contracts. Your PCC account, including your pcc.edu email address, is provided for access to PCC systems only. Do not use your PCC credentials to create accounts or authenticate to external services not provided or supported by PCC.