
It is important to take care of your number one asset: YOU! Below are some tips and info about services offered by PCC to help with basic self-care.

Eat, sleep, and be active

Refuel yourself by eating healthy, sleeping, and getting your groove on whenever possible.

  • Include time in your schedule to eat and try to plan ahead. Small snacks throughout the day can keep you going in between classes. If you’re looking for quick options, Dining Services offers healthy meals that allow you to stay on campus. If you’re experiencing food insecurity, ASPCC can help! Check out the Panther Pantries. These services are run by students for students.
  • Getting enough sleep helps reduce stress and keeps you healthy. Stick to a regular schedule that includes 7–9 hours of sleep whenever possible. Don’t forget about the power of a quick nap: 10–20 minutes can help you feel rejuvenated, 60 minutes helps with cognitive memory processing, and 90 minutes is a full sleep cycle.
  • Each campus offers open recreation hours where you can drop in and use the facilities. Check out the open hours and what they offer at Cascade, Rock Creek, Southeast, and Sylvania. PCC Physical Education classes can be another great way to make sure you have some activity built into your schedule. Think about adding one when signing up for classes next term.
  • Use a Quiet Room: PCC has rooms dedicated to meditation and prayer. Use these rooms when you need to calm down!

Take a break

Everyone needs some time to recharge. Think about what restores you (like listening to music, reading for fun, chatting with friends, going for a walk, or meditation) and make some space for that activity. Spending even ten minutes a day on something you enjoy can have a huge positive impact.

Stressed or anxious? Seek help when you need it

If you are feeling overwhelmed or stressed out, you are not alone. PCC offers free, confidential counseling to currently-enrolled students. Counselors assist with academic, personal, or career-related topics. Visit the Counseling website to find out about scheduling an appointment at Cascade, Newberg, Rock Creek, Southeast, or Sylvania.

Making a plan and being prepared can be a great way to reduce stress and anxiety. There are many strategies and tips available to help you manage test anxiety and reduce stress. Try a few out and find the suggestion that works best for you. Talking with friends, fellow students or a counselor can also be very helpful.