Stay on track

Now you understand how to create a long-term educational plan and how to choose classes that fit your plan. You’re on the right track, but you have to work to stay on that track!

student planning with advisor

Check in with an advisor

Check in with your academic advisor regularly to be sure that you’re still on track to achieving your goal. Working with your advisor can save you a lot of time and money. Some career and technical programs have dedicated advisors. Contact your program department to find out if you should work with a specific advisor. If not, work with a general advisor at any advising center.

student at a desk with paper


GRAD Plan (Graduation Requirements & Academic Decisions Plan) is a web-based tool that can help you stay on track. Your advisor can help you make use of the GRAD Plan tool if you need assistance.

You can access your GRAD Plan account from MyPCC. Go to your My Courses tab in the Plan My Degree channel.

What if I change my mind?

Maybe you’ve discovered new interests, or your class load is too heavy right now and you can’t continue your program. It could be you’ve realized your program isn’t the right fit. Before changing, consider these pros and cons:

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  • Starting over with a different degree or certificate is much better than not graduating at all!
  • You’ll be in a program that works better for you. Yay!
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  • It may put you back a couple of terms (or years).
  • You’ll have to be very careful about how changes might impact your financial aid. Each situation is different so be sure to talk to someone in financial aid.

If you want to change your program, you can…

  1. See how your credits translate

    Log in to GRAD Plan and check out the “What If” feature. See how your credits might count towards other degrees and certificates. You may be closer than you think to earning a different certificate or degree.

  2. Learn about options and meet with an advisor

    Get help exploring career options at a Career Exploration Center. Then schedule an appointment with an academic advisor to discuss new class planning options. Career planning, class planning, and financial planning all work together to create a successful educational path. PCC professionals are here to assist you with important life decisions and to help you reach your career goals.

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