Learn more about yourself

The first thing to do is imagine all the careers that might be a good fit. The key here is to create a long list – at least 15 different jobs to start with. Create that list now, and also consider taking a career test to further expand your career options.

Take a career test

A fast, simple way to create your starter list is to use a career assessment – an online quiz that matches you to jobs. Get into a good mindset before answering questions:

  • Be yourself: be honest about what you like and don’t like.
  • Be open: right now is the time to be curious and explore possibilities!
Meet Oregon CIS

Oregon CISSo where do you take these career tests? In Oregon CIS! Oregon CIS is a free tool for all PCC students. Use it to take career assessments, save favorite jobs, and complete all the steps in this track!

If you’re not a PCC student yet, contact Career Services for login instructions.

Your starter list

list titled Results with 15 items. 1 Music Teacher. 2 Teacher. 3 Art Director. 4 Graphic Designer. 5 Microbiologist. 6 Park Ranger. 7 Sketch Artist. 8 Writer. 9 Architect. 10 Drafter. 11 Floral Design. 12 Law Clerk. 13 Speech Pathologist. 14 Tatoo Artist. 15 Urban Planner.After taking the quizzes, you’ll get a report of careers that might fit you. Now add to this list any additional occupations you want to explore.

Add to your list:

  • What do you enjoy doing?
    Think about activities that you enjoy, like building kitchen cabinets or playing the guitar. Think of related jobs and add these to your list.
  • Have a passion for a subject in school?
    If there’s a subject that you love, you can work backward by using a “What can I do with this major?” tool. Find job titles that sound interesting, and add them to your list.

A good starter list will have jobs you’ve always been curious about, plus jobs you’ve never heard of. Don’t be afraid to add something to your list – now is the time to expand your options. Plus, you’ll need something to eliminate later!

Do you have a list of careers that sound interesting to you?
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Don’t be shy – if you need help, contact someone at PCC!

PCC contacts
If you are… Then contact…
Looking for help interpreting your results and moving forward Career Services
Frustrated, can’t narrow down options, difficulty deciding Counseling
On unemployment benefits Workforce Development
Wanting a faster path to a career and a degree Career Pathways