
Recent studies have shown that a lack of motivation is the number one barrier to student success in college. At public two-year colleges like PCC, nearly half of first-year students do not return for a second year. One way to beat this statistic is to stay motivated.

Tips for success: staying motivated

  • Keep your eye on your long-term goals while working toward immediate goals.
  • Keep your priorities straight – but also save some time for fun.
  • Work on keeping your attitude positive.
  • Keep the company of positive people; imitate successful people.
  • Don’t let past habits drag you down.
  • Plan ahead to avoid last-minute pressures.
  • Focus on your successes.
  • Break large projects down into smaller tasks or stages.
  • Reward yourself for completing significant tasks.
  • Avoid multitasking.
  • Network with other students; form a study group.

Get involved and connect!

It’s hard to be motivated if you feel like you’re all alone in pursuing your goals. But you’re not alone! PCC offers several ways for you to connect with other students and the college community. Check out the Student Life page to learn more about the resources and support communities available to you.

Getting help

There is no shame in asking for help. In fact, most successful students seek help when they are struggling. Many services at the college are free to students, and the staff who offer them are paid to support you. Never hesitate to seek out the help you need. Be sure to check out the Academic Resources page to learn more about where to get help.

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