Managing Student Loans

About this track

student readingIn this track, you’ll learn what to consider before borrowing for your education. We’ll cover loan repayment and what can happen if don’t pay your loans back. Whether you already have student loan debt or are just starting out, this track will help you figure out how much to borrow to finance your educational goals.

To apply for loans…

This track is education about the process of borrowing for your education. To apply for loans, visit the Financial Aid website.

Other types of aid

When we say “financial aid”, we’re talking about a few types of funds:

  • Loans: borrowed money, has to be repaid
  • Grants: gift aid, doesn’t have to be repaid
  • Work study: money earned at a job

This track covers loans – the most common (and most complicated) type of financial aid. To learn about all types of financial aid, visit the Financial Aid Office page.