CW02-01030 Travel Advisories sub-policy
- Responsible executives: VP Finance and Administration, VP Academic Affairs, VP Student Affairs
- Responsible officers: Manager of Education Abroad Program, Dean of Student Success, Director of Continuing Education Operations, Manager of Safety/Risk Management
- Responsible offices: Safety/Risk Management, Education Abroad, Student Success, Continuing Education
- Effective date: January 30, 2019
- Last revision date: November 6, 2018
Associated policies
- B507 Safety and Risk Management (Board Policy)
- B708 Emergency Planning and Preparedness (Board Policy)
- CW02-01000 International Travel
- CW02-01010 International Travel: Credit-Bearing Activities sub-policy
- CW02-01020 International Travel: Non-Credit-Bearing Activities sub-policy
- Student Travel Policy (Finance) [intranet]
- Faculty and Staff Travel Policy (Finance) [intranet]
Policy statement
The U.S. Department of State has Travel Advisories for all countries with levels ranging from 1-4. The College currently does not permit travel on college business to countries, or areas within a country, under a current Department of State Travel Advisory Level 3 or 4 or Centers for Disease Control Warning Level 3, except by special petition.
- The College currently does not permit travel on college business to countries, or areas within a country, under a current Department of State Travel Advisory Level 3 or 4 or Centers for Disease Control Warning Level 3, except by special petition.
- Petitions for exceptions to this policy for travel to a country, or area within a country, with a travel advisory level 3 or 4 should be submitted to the appropriate Responsible executive for consideration. Final decisions on petitions for exceptions to this policy will be made by the College President.
Implementation procedures
- Employees planning to lead a credit-bearing program and who wish to petition for exceptions under this policy must contact the Education Abroad Office.
- Employees planning to lead a non-credit bearing, community education program and who wish to petition for exceptions under this policy must contact Continuing Education Department.
- Employees or students planning to lead a non-credit bearing, co-curricular activity for students and who wish to petition for exceptions under this policy must contact the Office of Student Success.
- Individual employees or students planning to travel on college business and who wish to petition for exceptions under this policy must contact Safety/ Risk Management.
Standards and guidelines
Roles and responsibilities
- College President
- Approves petitions for exception
- VP of Finance and Administration (for individual petitions), VP Academic Affairs (for Ed Abroad and Community Ed petitions), or VP Student Affairs (for non-credit co-curricular petitions
- Review and recommend petitions for exception to College President
- Directors or Managers of Education Abroad, Continuing Education, Student Success, and Safety/Risk Management
- Provide evaluation and assessment of petitions for exception for consideration by College President
- Provide general information regarding policy and operational guidance to employees and students wishing to petition for exceptions
Revision history
Revised from original October 2015 version to reflect changes in the Department of State framework for Travel Warning, to include non-credit bearing co-curricular travel, and to adapt to new policy structure, with clarification to Roles and Responsibilities.