Student Rights and Responsibilities
PCC students are successful because they learn in a supportive, safe, creative environment. As a student, you have the right to feel safe and you have the responsibility to keep others safe as well. To protect our individual freedoms, PCC has specific expectations that define acceptable behavior in the classroom, campus, and community. The basic policies are listed below – for a complete list, see college policies.
Student rights
Students at PCC have the right to various freedoms and protections, such as the right to freedom from harassment and discrimination, freedom of expression, protection from improper evaluation or disclosure, formation of student organizations, participation in creating student policies and fund-raising activities, access their student records, and access college facilities.
Student Code of Conduct
Each member of the PCC community must adhere to a code of responsible behavior. This document communicates the expectations that PCC has of students, and is intended to educate and guide students to understand their responsibilities. This code is aligned with the College’s Non-Discrimination Statement and shall not be administered in a discriminatory manner. Every effort will be made to balance the needs and rights of the individual with the welfare of the community as a whole.
Religious observance
PCC recognizes the right of each student to observe religious holidays and practices. If a religious holiday or practice occurs during a time when a student has a scheduled PCC class and/or college event, the student has a right to accommodation. The Religious Observance Procedures were developed to guide students through the process of seeking accommodation, which includes being excused from a PCC class and/or college event, and finding an alternative way for the student to meet any missed educational requirements.
See religious observance rights
Consensual relationships
The college seeks to maintain professional, fair, and unbiased relationships between faculty, staff, and students. This mission is potentially jeopardized when faculty or staff enter into consensual romantic relationships with their students. Questions of fairness, favoritism, and coercion may arise. Therefore, faculty and staff should not engage in consensual romantic relationships with their current students.
See consensual relationship statement
Children on PCC properties
Children are welcome on Portland Community College campuses and properties in appropriate situations and while actively supervised by a parent, guardian, or responsible adult. This policy outlines the College’s approach to ensuring that reasonable steps are taken to protect the study and work environment of the College, and the health, safety, and liability issues associated with children on PCC properties.
See policy for children on campus
Contact information
For issues, questions, and more information about these policies, contact [opens in new window].
For internal questions, contact the Student Development Committee Chair.
Complaints or feedback
If you feel that your rights have been violated, there are several ways to share feedback and concerns.
Do you want to get involved with shaping the policies at PCC? Consider joining the student government and becoming a student representative.