Digital Signage Request

Digital Signage requests must include an image.
Please read the guidelines for these slides on the Digital Signage | Print Center at PCC page.

If you need assistance with designing a slide, please submit your request using the Project order form | Print Center at PCC.
Design work is billed to the FOAP you provide.

"*" indicates required fields

Your information

Please let us know who you are and what college department, office, or group is distributing this content. We will reach out to you if we have any questions or concerns regarding your submission.

Posting schedule

Approved submissions will be posted for up to 3 weeks. Event-related postings will be removed after the date of the event. Slides will be displayed for 30 seconds before transitioning to the next image. Long-term content will be posted on a case-by-case basis.
When would you like the content posted?*
When would you like the content taken down?*
Where would you like your content posted?*

Content guidelines

Submissions should:
  • Include date(s), time, and specific location(s) of activity
  • Include identity and contact information of sponsoring group, individual, or College department
  • Include contact information for PCC Accessibility Services ( [opens in new window], 971-722-4341)
  • Comply with the college’s free expression guidelines
  • Use open-source or fair use materials
  • Comply with accessible content best practices
  • Include a QR code in place of a URL when applicable
The below text fields are required in order to ensure accessible content for screen-readers.
Note: This is important for community members accessing the accessible version of these slides online.

File upload

Files must:
  • Be formatted in a 16:9 aspect ratio (landscape)
  • Have a resolution of at least 720p (1280x720)
Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, png, Max. file size: 20 MB.