Patient Access Specialist
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Train online to become a Patient Access Specialist and gain industry-recognized certification.
A patient access specialist is a front-line registration position and is often the first face someone sees when they enter a hospital, clinic, or specialized medical department. A patient access specialist can fall under many different job titles including the following: registration representative, access representative, registration technician, insurance verifier, pre-registration specialist, and financial counselor.
Do you enjoy helping people, and believe working in a clinic or hospital setting would be rewarding? Learn more below!
Upcoming courses
Don’t see the course you want? Contact us [opens in new window] for more information.
Register now
Admissions Process: PCC IHP Patient Access Specialist registration process [pdf]
- Find the CRN of your course from the class schedule.
- Then, register:
- Online: Visit the Continuing Education registration page. If this is your first time registering, create an account. If you are a returning student, click on “Register in MyPCC”.
- Phone: Call 971-722-8888, option 2.
Need help? Get detailed information on how to register and how to pay or contact us at [opens in new window] [opens in new window] [opens in new window] or 971-722-6626.
For more information, please email Bem Hanamoto [opens in new window].