Functional nutrition

Students slicing vegetables

Get in touch

Prepare for the Holistic Nutrition Credentialing Board (HNCB) certification exam.

Are you serious about starting a healthcare career in nutrition, or do you want to incorporate nutrition into your current healthcare practice? The Functional Nutrition program at PCC Institute for Health Professionals will provide a solid foundation to start your professional nutrition career or add holistic nutrition to your practice. Students are accepted each summer for the Fall cohort. Sign up for the Functional Nutrition newsletter to be alerted about pertinent details and deadlines related to the Fall program.

Upcoming integrative healthcare courses


Apply today

Submit a complete application packet [pdf]. Make sure you include the required documentation.

We are currently accepting applications for our 2025 cohort. For early consideration, all materials must be received by May 1, 2025. Materials received after this date will be considered in order of receipt and as space allows. No application will be considered after September 8, 2025.

Please email your completed application to the email address listed in the application.