Nicotine Cessation

Chew, Smoke, Vape: Reduce Your Use: The Mindful Smoking Movement

This course addresses the impact of nicotine use on individuals & communities irrespective of their use history, and invites individuals to explore their relationship with these products to promote a healthy lifestyle. This is a highly interactive course where all (current, former and never users) are welcome. Reconnect with your baby pink lungs and gums!

In this class you’ll learn how to:

  • promote dialogue among current, former and never-users of nicotine
  • understand nicotine’s impact on individuals & communities
  • guide others towards healthier habits by inviting them to explore their relationship with nicotine products
  • cultivate connection with individuals affected by nicotine use and foster a supportive community for cessation and reduction
  • access and promote resources and referrals for nicotine reduction and cessation.

Course Planning Guide

  • Fall 2024
    • Date and time: Thursdays, September 26 to October 29, 6pm to 8pm
    • Instructor: Aragon
    • Location: D2L
    • Tuition: $133 Fees: $20
    • CEUs: .8

Meet the instructor

Guadalupe Aragon

Guadalupe has been in the alcohol and drug field since 2003. She attended her first “Smoking Cessation” training in 2005 where she learned that 480K people die every year from a tobacco related illness. This set Guadalupe on a 19 year mission to create the Mindful Smoking movement.


Upcoming Course Schedule
