Registration and payment information

Taking an Ed2Go class?

See how to register for an Ed2Go class.



Non-credit classes are priced individually. For tuition and fees, check each course’s listing in the online class schedule. You are responsible for paying your account in full, even if you do not receive a bill.

Refund and drop policy

Student email accounts

The college will send important information (bills, waitlist information, etc.) to students’ PCC email accounts.

Every PCC student has a PCC email account that includes “” in the address. To log in to your email, visit MyPCC and click the email icon in the upper right corner. Call the PCC Service Desk at 971‐722‐4400 if you need assistance obtaining your username and password.

Third-party billing

Are you a business or organization interested in paying the Professional Development and Training educational expenses for a PCC student? Set up third-party billing and we’ll bill your organization directly.