CGBP exam preparation
Become a Certified Global Business Professional (CGBP)
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Are you looking for a way to advance your career, switch jobs, or gain new knowledge in international trade?
The Certified Global Business Professional (CGBP) credential is highly sought-after and respected in the international trade industry.
The PCC Small Business Development Center’s CGBP Professional Development Training is the only course in the Northwest offering a robust introduction to international trade, and that prepares you to get the CGBP credential.
Upcoming courses
Register now
- Find the CRN of your course from the class schedule.
- Then, register:
- Online: Visit the Continuing Education registration page. If this is your first time registering, create an account. If you are a returning student, click on “Register in MyPCC”.
- Phone: Call 971-722-8888, option 2.
Need help? Get detailed information on how to register and how to pay or contact us at [opens in new window] or 971-722-5080.