Trades Safety Training Courses

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Our Trades Safety courses provide essential training to keep workers safe and compliant on the job. Coyne 1st Aid/CPR for Trades equips participants with life-saving first aid and CPR skills tailored for trade environments. Forklift, Safety & Code covers safe forklift operation, workplace safety protocols, and industry regulations. EPA 608A Study and Test prepares HVAC professionals for EPA certification, ensuring they meet environmental and safety standards. OSHA 10 provides fundamental workplace safety training, helping workers recognize hazards, prevent accidents, and stay compliant with OSHA regulations. These courses help tradespeople enhance their skills, maintain compliance, and create safer job sites.

Trades Safety Micro-Credential

  • Complete Coyne First Aid/CPR for TradesForklift Safety & Code, and OHSA 10-Hour Safety Training to qualify for a Micro-Credential Certificate of Completion. Micro-credential certificate request: When you have completed the courses, if you’d like a certificate, please fill out the Trades Safety micro-credential certificate request.
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Customized training

Our responsive team employs a collaborative approach to develop training to meet your organization’s goals and respects its unique culture. Learn about our customized training solutions.