Addiction Counselor, associate degree

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Degrees and certificates by number of terms to complete
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Associate Degree: Addiction Counselor2 yearsLimited entry, see how to get into this program

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Course listing for the 2024-2025 catalog year.

AD 101Addiction3
AD 102Drug Use and Addiction3
AD 103Women and Addiction3
AD 104Multicultural Counseling3
AD 106Nicotine Cessation1
AD 152Group Counseling and Addiction3
AD 153Theories of Counseling3
AD 154Client Record Management and Addiction3
AD 156Professional Ethics and Issues in Addiction Counseling3
AD 160Basic Counseling4
or AD 150
AD 151

AD 161Motivational Interviewing and Addiction4
or AD 155
AD 157

AD 184Men & Addiction3
AD 202Trauma and Recovery3
AD 255Multiple Diagnoses3
AD 256Advanced Counseling and Addiction4
AD 270APracticum: Addiction18
AD 270BPracticum: Addiction - Seminar 18
AD 278Practicum Preparation1
Addiction Counselor Degree Electives6
General Education: 4 courses
Total Credits91

Students attend a concurrent two credit seminar each term. Students who complete practicum in three terms only need six credits of AD 270B.

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