Textbooks, tools, and supplies

Textbook list

These lists identify the textbooks that should be brought on the first day to each class. Instructors will refer to some texts on the first day of class.

Course packets

A packet of course materials may be required for some classes and must be purchased at the PCC Bookstore. The requirement for this packet will be defined by the instructor and listed in the course syllabus. The instructor should be contacted before class to determine this requirement.

Tools and supplies

You will need to obtain your tools before participating in your first class (except for AMT 101). You are required to provide your own tools. We discourage you from borrowing tools from other students – the borrowing of tools is generally not acceptable in the aviation industry. Tools on the list below are not available for check-out from the Tool Room.

Required tools

Review and print a copy of the tools and supplies list.

Tool sources

We encourage you to purchase tools from reliable sources. Your supplier should give you a replacement guarantee. The quality of the guarantee is often a reflection of the quality of the tools. Some tool vendors offer discounts only available to registered students. The cost of tools depends on the supplier but could be approximately $1,500.00, including a toolbox.

Toolbox considerations

Consider transportability in the selection of your toolbox as you may be moving it to different classes and lab projects. You will only be permitted to have one toolbox. Secure toolbox storage will be provided. Large roller cabinet toolboxes are not allowed due to limited space in our facilities.

The following statement is excerpted from our FAA Part 147 operations manual:

All students will have a tool box prior to their first class with good quality tools meeting the following minimum tool list. The method of implementation of this policy will be at the discretion of the instructor for each class. Instructors may authorize exceptions as appropriate.

Instructors may reduce your grade for lab projects if you do not have the required tools to perform the assigned projects. If your personal protection or the quality of the work warrants the use of safety equipment or the use of proper tooling, you may be dismissed from the lab activity if you do not have those tools or equipment.

In our efforts to provide you with the education necessary for success in your chosen career, we believe that you will find your tools and equipment to be a valuable life-long asset.