Frequently asked questions
Academic advising
Are counselors or advisors at PCC’s other campuses be able to help?
Your best advising regarding AMT course content would be from one of the AMT instructors. A general academic advisor at any PCC campus can advise you on AAS degree requirements (general education, writing, and math).
What courses are required for the 2-year certificate?
There are 93 credits required for our full 23-month program two-year certificate. There are 21 classes of 4 credits each, WLD 210 Aircraft Welding is 2 credits, the three practicum classes (AMT 108, 216, and 225) are 2 credits each, and the prerequisite course AMT 101 is 1 credit.
Students typically take three 4-credit courses each term, except for summer term during which students take only two 4-credit classes because the summer term is shortened to 8 weeks instead of the traditional 10-12 weeks. An academic plan outlining the order in which AMT classes are to be taken is provided to students in AMT 101.
How do I earn an Associate of Applied Science (AAS) degree from PCC?
The Associate of Applied Science Degree requirements for an AAS in Aviation Maintenance Technology are outlined on this AMT AAS degree worksheet [pdf]. AAS Degree requirements are also available via the college catalog.
Can I transfer general education credits from another institution?
Yes, in most cases. An official (sealed/unopened) copy of your academic transcript(s) needs to be sent to PCC Student Records for an official evaluation. You must be a current credit PCC student to request a transfer credit evaluation. Request a transfer credit evaluation after PCC has received official transcripts from the institutions you attended previously; your evaluation cannot be requested until Student Records has received your official transcripts.
Can I transfer to PCC from another Part 147 “A&P” school?
Yes, even if you are in the middle of a sequence of classes for a rating. The AMT department chair will need to evaluate the precise content of each completed class to determine that it satisfies the content of our PCC AMT classes. Please provide the department chair with a Course Content & Outcome guide for the AMT courses you wish to transfer to PCC from your previous institution.
It is always easier to complete a sequence of classes for a specific rating (General, Airframe, Powerplant) before transferring. This ensures that the total amount of content has been completed. You should contact the AMT department chair as soon as possible so you can receive guidance in this area.
I already have an A&P certificate from another institution. Can I still earn an AAS degree from PCC?
The Associate of Applied Science is awarded to students that meet the comprehensive requirements outlined in the degrees and certificates section of the PCC college catalog.
If you already hold an A&P license, or have received your A&P certificates from another academic institution, and are interested in transferring your AMT coursework to PCC, complete the general education, writing, and math requirements, and apply for an Associate of Applied Science degree from PCC – the principle requirement you need to be aware of is the following:
Residency requirement
- All candidates for a degree at PCC must accumulate at least 30 quarter hours of satisfactory work at PCC to establish residency. Non-traditional credit, credit transferred from another institution, or challenge credit cannot be used to establish the 30 quarter-hour residency requirement.
- Twenty-four of the credits earned at PCC must apply to the specific Associate degree requirements excluding courses used solely for the general education requirements. (This means a student must complete a minimum of 24 credits of AMT course work at PCC to earn an Associate degree from PCC.)
An individual is not eligible to be awarded an AAS degree if they do not meet these requirements (in addition to the other comprehensive requirements outlined in the college catalog).
How is PCC’s program different from other Part 147 AMT programs?
The program content required by the FAA is not divided the same in all AMT schools. PCC feels that we have divided the content best into 90-hour classes. We also teach that content one class at a time for 5 hours a day for 18 days. This allows students to concentrate on a single set of learning outcomes, goals, and objectives at one time.
Do I have to be a US citizen to enter the program or industry?
No, not for PCC nor the FAA.
Getting started in the AMT program
What do I have to do to start AMT classes this next term?
AMT admits 20 students into the program twice a year: fall and winter term only. Complete the first two steps of the steps for new students to get started.
Then you need to ensure that you meet the prerequisites for registering into AMT classes. The prerequisites are:
- Completion of AMT 101 (1 cr)
- Placement into RD 90 or higher
- Placement into WR 90 or higher
- Math competency
- Students must complete MTH 60 at PCC.
– OR – - A student who places above Math 60 or has taken a higher than MTH 60 class at another institution, must take the (free) AMT Department Math test. To take this test, please have your transcript evaluated by an academic advisor for math placement, and then contact Thomas Laxson to obtain the AMT Department Math test permission form. This test must be passed before registration into the first term of AMT courses.
- Students must complete MTH 60 at PCC.
Please see the AMT getting started page for more details.
Paying for college
How much does the program cost?
Below is a summary of the current costs for the Aviation Maintenance Technology 2-year certificate program at PCC. To qualify for resident tuition, you must be an American citizen or immigrant with permanent resident status in Oregon or the bordering states of Idaho, California, Nevada, and Washington. Please see the tuition and fees webpage for details.
Are there scholarships available?
Yes, there are several Aviation-specific scholarships in addition to many regular scholarships. See PCC’s scholarship page.
Required tools
Can I bring in my tools early, before my first class begins?
No. You will need to wait until the term has started to locate the place to put your box and then bring it in.
What if I can get a great deal on a large cabinet? Can I bring it in anyway?
No. Due to the limited storage space in the hangar, you will need to keep your large cabinet at home and bring in a toolbox that will meet our size limits. See the tools and supplies page for specifications and more details regarding the required tools and supplies.
AMT program textbooks
What books do I need, and where can I get them?
Go to the AMT textbook list. Print the two PDF files and use the Matrix as your guide for the list of required books for the class. All of the AMT textbooks are sold at the Rock Creek Bookstore only. You must purchase books before the first day of class. There are student packets required for several classes. Check with your instructor if a packet or textbook is not available on the bookstore shelf.
Are copies of the textbooks available in the library in case I can’t get to the bookstore by the first day of classes?
There are some AMT textbooks available at the reference desk in the library, but they are not available for checkout. You should plan to purchase books before the first day of class, to avoid the crowds and long lines in the bookstore during the first week of classes.
I am looking for a refresher course for updating my skills and knowledge. Would I be able to audit any courses?
You may be able to take any AMT class as a refresher class (i.e. sheet metal or electricity), but we do not offer an audit grade option for any AMT classes. You will need to meet with the department chair before attempting to register for the class because most classes have prerequisite requirements.
What classes do you have available during the evening? I work full time, during the day.
AMT program classes are held from 7am to 12 noon, Monday through Friday. The only exceptions are the three Practicum classes and the aviation welding class which are scheduled during the early afternoon. The reason for the 7am to 12 noon class time is that it allows many students the opportunity to work in the afternoons and evenings.
Do you still offer a helicopter maintenance course?
No, we don’t. We do have 5 helicopters in our training inventory, and we can give our students a variety of experiences with the helicopter systems and structures. We also teach many of the systems and concepts within our regular part 147 program offering.
Does PCC train students for large aircraft as well as small aircraft?
We have mostly smaller aircraft and helicopters in our hangars. We do have a nose-section from a Boeing 727. We still teach all of the necessary systems and concepts that apply to large aircraft. We have many components that come from large aircraft and our texts deal with large aircraft also. Many commercial airlines hire new mechanics at the main maintenance bases even though they are always recruiting mechanics with experience in large aircraft. The commercial airlines do not expect graduates from AMT schools to have been taught using large aircraft.
How can I schedule a tour of the hangar?
Contact your AMT faculty advisor by phone or by email. Assignment of your advisor is based on the first letter of your last name and is as follows:
- A–F: Anders Rasmussen
- G–L: Anders Rasmussen
- M–R: Steve Phillips
- S–Z: Thomas Laxson
Usually, advisors are available in the early afternoon (between noon-3pm), but arrangements can be made for late afternoons or evenings. Also, please visit our webpage profiling our aircraft and our facilities.
How do I get to the hangar to take a tour?
See Rock Creek Campus. There is a campus map, driving directions, and TriMet links near the top of the page.
When you visit, you will need to purchase a one-day parking permit ($5). The one-day parking permit is obtained at a pull-over kiosk at the main entrance on the right-hand side. Parking violations are rather costly.
We are located at the hangar (building 6) located on the far right-hand side of the campus. This is the North-East corner of the campus. Our main entrance is located behind the trees that separate our building from the parking lot. Upon entering the building, you can ask just about anyone for directions to the individual that you are meeting with. If you arrive after the doors have been locked (about 12:30pm), you will need to call the individual you’ve arranged your tour with so that they can let you in.
FAA ratings
Can I get just one license or do I need to get both?
The vast majority of technicians are certificated as “FAA Mechanics”. Under an FAA mechanic’s certificate, there are two ratings: Airframe and Powerplant. Therefore, most certificated mechanics hold both ratings and are referred to in the industry as an “A&P,” there are many mechanics certificated only with an airframe (A) rating, or only a powerplant (P) rating.
What is necessary to get the FAA certificate and ratings?
The FAA states in 14CFR part 65 that to become an FAA-certificated mechanic
an applicant must:
- Be 18 years of age or older.
- Be able to read, write, and understand English.
- Graduate from an FAA-approved part 147 Aviation Maintenance Technician school (such as PCC’s AMT program).
- Pass a written examination, an oral test, and a practical test for each
rating. - Pass all the prescribed tests within 24 months.
Is it necessary to go to an AMT school or can I use my experience to qualify for testing?
You can use experience to qualify for your ratings. You must present the following evidence to the FAA at a Flight Standards District Office (FSDO). An individual can work for an FAA Repair Station or Fixed Base Operator (FBO) under the supervision of an A & P mechanic for 18 months, for each airframe or powerplant rating, or 30 months for both ratings. The FAA considers a “month of practical experience” to contain at least 160 hours. This practical experience must be documented. Some acceptable forms of documentation are: Pay receipts, a record of work (log book) signed by the supervising mechanic, a notarized statement stating that the applicant has at least the required number of hours for the rating(s) requested from a certificated air carrier, repair station, or a certificated mechanic or repairman who supervised the work.
An individual can join one of the armed services and obtain valuable training and experience in aircraft maintenance. Care must be taken that an individual enters a military occupational specialty (MOS) that is one of the FAA credits for practical experience for the mechanics certificate. Consult with FAA Advisory Circular AC65-30A [pdf] for the list of acceptable MOS codes. You must present that military training evidence to the FAA at a Flight Standards District Office (FSDO).
The FAA will not let an individual combine different methods of experience for application for a certificate and rating. You can, however, use one method for one rating and another method for the other rating.
Military veterans
Can I use my military experience toward the PCC certificate of completion?
Yes, you can, but first, you may not need to attend PCC to qualify for your certificate and ratings. See “Is it necessary to go to an AMT school or can I use my experience to qualify?” under the “FAA Ratings” section of this FAQ.
The FAA will not let an individual combine different methods of experience for application for a certificate and rating. You can, however, use one method for one rating (e.g. airframe) and another method for the other rating (e.g. powerplant). PCC offers a certificate of completion for either airframe or powerplant or both.
If you do not have the right military training for an FAA approval, you might be able to use your documented military training to “challenge” AMT classes within our program. You cannot use your military experience or training to eliminate or by-pass classes in our program if you want a certificate of completion.
The challenge process requires that a student meeting the requirements of 14 CFR § 147.31(c)(1) (a military-technical school) may, at the discretion of the Department Chair and/or Division Dean, receive credit for prior instruction, provided the student shows that the content of that instruction received at the military tech school is equal to the content of the course for which credit is sought in PCC’s AMT Department. Testing is required and will be per PCC Course Challenge Policy as per 14 CFR § 147.31(c)(2)(i), and conducted per the Course Challenge for AMT (Appendix F), paragraphs 2 thru 5 as follows.
Appendix F. Course Challenge for AMT
14 CFR §147.31(c) prescribes rules for crediting a student with instruction or previous experience. The Department Chair will oversee the course challenge process. (Paragraph 1 does not apply to this process.)
- When eligibility has been established by the Department Chair and approved by the Division Dean, the student will meet with the Division Dean to determine if an acceptable method of payment for the credit hours can be processed as requested.
- The student and Division Dean will make the appropriate arrangements with the instructor normally assigned to teach the course involved for testing. If that instructor is not available, the Division Dean may arrange with another instructor on staff to conduct the tests.
- Testing may be conducted outside of normal teaching hours and pass/fail results will be forwarded to the Department Chair. Testing could include the quiz and/or test series normally used in the class, the final exam for the class, the FAA written (multiple choice) test for each subject, four oral questions for each subject, and at least one practical demonstration project for each subject. The minimum acceptable standard for a passing grade is a combined 70% for all written testing, a correct answer for at least three of the four oral questions asked for each subject, and satisfactory completion of each practical demonstration. For classes AMT 216 and AMT 225 (Practicum), the written scores may not be less than 95% for each section of the exam and no less than 80% for any single subject. Oral questioning will be a minimum of four questions per test subject and one practical demonstration per subject.
- A grade report sheet will be placed in the student’s record and appropriate
Information sent to PCC Student Records indicating the results of the testing.
How do I use my veteran educational benefits?
Please go to PCC’s Veterans Education Benefits Office website. It is highly advisable to begin the process of applying for Veteran Educational benefits as soon as possible since it may take several months to get it set up. Visit a Veterans Education Benefits Office for more information or assistance.
Future employment
Do employers come to PCC to recruit AMT program graduates?
Yes. We have our annual AMT Career Day in October when employers come to talk, recruits, and interview. Many companies are using email and the internet to recruit now. We are constantly receiving electronic notice of job opportunities, and we post them in the hanger near the time clock. These opportunities are also emailed to students who have requested notice.
Can you help me get a job either while in the AMT program or after I graduate from the program?
PCC has employment specialists who can help you find employment opportunities, write your resume, and prepare for a job interview. Both part-time and full-time employment opportunities are available. The employment specialist that works with students and graduates of the AMT program is DeAnne Hardy.