Program overview
- Nine month certificate program, 3 terms (Fall, Winter, Spring)
- Full-time, in-person 40+ hours per week
- Up to 45 students accepted
Admissions process
- This program admits up to 45 students each year on a first come, first serve basis.
- Priority for the First 45 Students: The first 45 students who submit their applications with all the required prerequisite courses complete by the end of spring term 2024 and who meet the listed admissions requirements will be guaranteed a seat in the program.
- Waitlist for Applications Submitted after the Initial 45: Any applications received after the initial 45 complete applications will be placed on a waitlist. The order in which they are received will determine their place on the waitlist.
- Incomplete Applications: An application is deemed incomplete if an applicant has courses in- progress during Summer 2024. If an application is incomplete, it will still be considered, but it will be placed lower on the waitlist. In-progress courses must be complete by the start of the Fall 2024 term.
- Duplicate Applications: If a student submits multiple applications, the most recent application submitted will be considered the official application, and the most recent date and time will determine the student's place in the queue.
- May 1, 2024: Dental Assisting application opens
- June 18, 2024: End of Spring Term, Last day to complete prerequisite courses for application deadline
- July 1, 2024: Dental Assisting application deadline
- Mid-July, 2024: Applicants are informed of their admissions status through their PCC email only.
- Late July/Early August, 2024: Applicants attend the first in-person mandatory orientation at the Vanport Building and will being the post-admission process
- Applicants will be required submit proof of their healthcare provider CPR certification, criminal background check, ten-panel drug screening and immunizations [pdf] (including the COVID-19 vaccination) prior to the start of the Fall 2024 term. See FAQs for details. Acceptance into the program is contingent upon successfully passing/clearing all of these requirements.
- Late August/Mid-September, 2024: Second mandatory in-person orientation takes place at the Vanport Building
- Fall term 2024: program begins. The program runs three consecutive terms.
- Cost: $9,502.75
- Has a separate online application
- One-year certificate program is accredited by the Commission on Dental Accreditation (CODA).
- When all course requirements are complete with a C grade or higher, students are eligible to graduate with a Certificate in Dental Assisting from PCC and Oregon Certification in Expanded Functions. Students are also prepared for the Dental Assisting National Board Exam (DANB).
- Admissions guide [pdf]