Frequently asked questions

When are classes scheduled?

Classes are held during the days, each one scheduled for a single 5-hour block, typically in the morning or in the afternoon, once a week to minimize the number of commutes to campus and days off work. Many of our students are part-time and work through classes as their work schedules allow. See the class schedule for current class offerings.

Can I take classes part-time?

Many of our students take classes on a part-time basis while working in the field or raising families.

Can I start the program at the beginning of any term?

Yes. In the first-year sequence of courses, there are few prerequisites. Many second-year courses however require prerequisites. An individual course is usually only offered once per year at the same time every year. If you pursuing a degree or certificate, planning is essential. Please contact our program advisor Suzanne Najafdari to set up an appointment to discuss your individual goals.

I have a prior college degree. Can any of those credits count?

Yes. Many previous college courses may qualify as General Education credits for the AAS degrees. To receive credit for your previous college classes, please visit the transfer credit to PCC website for more information and to start the process.

I’m not sure what area I want to specialize in. Is that a problem?

No! In the first year, all students share a core of foundational studies in plant identification, plant care, soils, and environmental systems required in all phases of the landscape industry so you can focus on those while exploring the options. Our Intro to the Landscaping Industry provides an overview of the myriad of opportunities in the landscaping industry. Ample opportunity exists for crossover between the degrees as well as a number of electives to pursue more directed outcomes.

I’m interested in more than one degree. Do I need to pick one or the other?

A majority of classes in the LAT program are shared between the three AAS degrees as they provide a foundation for any industry job and credits earned will apply to both degrees simultaneously. A few students pursue multiple degrees from the beginning; others pursue one degree and then will take a handful more classes to finish the second! Our program advisor Suzanne Najafdari can discuss options with you.

Do I need a degree to get a job in landscaping?

While a degree is not mandatory to enter the landscaping industry, foundational knowledge and skills are greatly valued by employers. While a majority of our students declare a degree upon enrolling and work towards that during their time in the LAT program, some find employment in their second year and leave with one of our certificates rather than a degree. Our graduates are quickly promoted to supervisory and managerial positions within companies as their field experience grows once they enter the workforce.

I want to own my own landscaping company. Will this program help?

The Landscape Technology program will give you a strong foundation in landscaping knowledge.

I may want to continue my studies at a 4-year university. Will my credits transfer?

It depends. General Education credits earned at PCC will often transfer to state universities with transfer agreements. Students pursuing the Environmental Landscape Management degree will often be able to transfer credits in BI and ESR courses as well. Unfortunately, LAT credits are not accepted as transfer credit. Talk with our program advisor Suzanne Najafdari to find out specifics.

I would like to take classes to build industry skills and am not interested in a degree. Can I take classes?

Yes! We encourage anyone to register for our classes. If you experience difficulty with enrollment at PCC, please contact our program advisor Suzanne Najafdari for assistance.

Where do I start?

See the next steps box at the bottom of the Landscape Technology homepage.