Hire landscape design students for community clients

Matching design projects with student designers.

Thank you for your interest in working with PCC Landscape Technology students. Students completing their second year of studies are paired with a local residential client to develop designs for their landscape as their capstone project.

Our design students work closely with the client to develop ideas for their outdoor living spaces to best meet their needs and wants. Upon completion of the project, the client is provided with a basic landscape plan and plant list that can be used for future implementation.

Note: The PCC student match program serves as a learning experience for students as a part of their degree. It is not intended to replace a comprehensive and professional landscape design service required of some sites.

How to apply to work with a student designer

Read the guidelines below carefully and complete the online application. If your project is approved, you will be notified by PCC faculty and your name and contact information will be added to a list of prospective clients for graduating students.

Note: Inclusion on the list does not guarantee an assignment.

If you are an industry employer interested in posting landscape design job opportunities, contact Career and Jobs Specialist DeAnne Hardy.

What to expect

Working with your designer is a collaborative process. Expect to meet your student for an initial site visit, a preliminary design meeting, and a final plan proposal along with email communication as needed. Your feedback along the way is vital to the design process. You will be asked to complete a PCC cooperative education training agreement and student contract.

Availability and turnaround

Designers are working within term time frames for completion of their projects and assignments may be scheduled up to a year out to coincide with graduation timelines. A majority of matches are scheduled in the Spring (April-June) and Summer (June – August) terms. Once a project is started, clients can expect a 10-12 week turnaround for a design.

Next steps

Review the client and property assessment and proceed to the client application.