
Your responsibilities will vary according to the size of the institution for which you work and the extent of services it offers. Your work may include:

  • Collection, screening, and processing of blood transfusion components
  • Blood glucose determinations for diabetes and hypoglycemia
  • Isolation and identification of disease-causing organisms
  • Determination of appropriate antibiotics
  • Blood-clotting studies to detect hemophilia and related disorders
  • Blood analyses to aid in the identification of cancer, leukemia, and anemia
  • Communication with patients and medical staff
  • Use of computer technology and advanced automated equipment

Specialty areas of the clinical laboratory


Measuring levels of chemicals produced by glands and organ systems, analyzing body fluids using techniques of chemical analysis.


Detecting and classifying the different types of cells in blood to identify anemias, leukemias, coagulation abnormalities, and malignancies, making observations using microscopes, chemical techniques, and electronic counting devices.

Blood bank

Performing serological procedures for the detection of various conditions, preparing blood products for patients with long-term illnesses, and cancer.


Detecting and identifying bacterial, fungal, parasitic, and viral organisms that cause infection and disease.

Professional organizations

Professional organizations are an important part of preparing for and working in any healthcare profession. They provide continuing education, certification standards, scholarships, and information on legislation affecting our profession, A few of the many professional organizations that serve the interests of the medical laboratory professions are:

For more information

Contact Tanya Maldonado, the Allied Health Student Employment Specialist.