PCC / Programs / Welding Technology /
Equipment list
Proper protective clothing, equipment, and tools are required to work in the welding shop. Check online for local welding suppliers. Be sure to let them know that you’re a student at PCC, as many of them give you a 10% discount or better.
All equipment below is required. You will need some tools by the second day of class for most shifts. Other tools you can purchase later in the term.
Required by the second day of class
Auto-darkening variable lens welding hood/helmet
10 clear plastic cover lenses per term – these lenses need to match or be appropriate for
the hood you purchase
Some hoods take the same size and type of lens inside and out
Some have different size lens for inside and out
Make sure you have both for your hood
Safety glasses
Cotton work clothes – coveralls recommended
Leather boots above the ankle – steel-toed work boots encouraged
Four pairs per term of leather gloves for SMAW (“stick”) and FCAW (gauntlet style)
100 sets of earplugs per term
Cotton welders cap
Combination square – 12″ recommended size
Two Vise-Grip pliers – recommended size 9R
12-foot tape measure
Slag hammer
Wire brush standard size
Three-ring binder or something for keeping welding packets and materials in
MIG welpers – standard size
Lineman Pliers
Fillet Weld Gages
Metal Scribe
Required tools to purchase later
These tools may be purchased later in the term or when you take a specific class.
Leather welder’s jacket or sleeves
Leather neck protector, optional
Respirator and matching particulate filters
Full-size cutting shield with #5 filter lens
For all students taking GMAW classes – pair or leather GMAW gloves (gauntlet type)
For all students taking GTAW or TIG classes – Pair of TIG gloves (gauntlet type)
Non-solar calculator – nothing fancy, does not need to be scientific, definitely not a graphing calculator
Flashlight – pocket size
24-inch framing square
Four 11R Vise-Grip clamps
12-inch adjustable wrench (crescent wrench)
Soapstone with soapstone holder
Two 4-inch C-clamps
Set of tip cleaners
Hammer, 2 lb Blacksmith
Triple flint striker
Six inch speed square
Two corner magnets
Two grinders 4.5″
Six grinding disks 4.5″
Three wire wheels 4.5″
Three sanding disks 4.5″
Cold chisel and center punch set
Toolbox (suggested size 28″ x 12″ x 12″) with standard size padlock
For all students taking pipe classes – pipe liner file, 12” half-round