All-user restrooms

What is an all-user restroom?

An all-user restroom, sometimes called a gender neutral or all gender restroom, is a restroom that anyone of any gender can use. All-user restrooms can be single occupant or multi-stall. These restrooms benefit many different people, including parents with children of a different gender, people with disabilities who may require the accompaniment of an attendant of a different gender, and transgender and gender expansive people.

When transgender and gender expansive students use a gendered restroom (known as men’s or women’s) they may experience harassment and even violence because other people perceive them to be in the wrong restroom. This is known as gender policing.

All-user restrooms are one way that we at PCC work to provide a safer space for transgender and gender expansive students, faculty, staff, and community members. PCC’s Restroom Policy states that PCC “…allows all members of the community to access all authorized PCC spaces/facilities in accordance with their gender identity and/or gender expression” (read the full policy).

Questions: If you have any questions about all-user restrooms at PCC, please contact the Queer Resource Centers at [opens in new window].

Incidents: If you need to a report an incident, please use one of PCC’s incident forms.

Emergency: For crimes and emergencies, please call Public Safety at 971-722-4444.

Future of all-user restrooms at PCC

A number of new all-user restrooms are continuing to be built as PCC moves forward with new construction as part of the Bond build out. We are also working towards converting restrooms in existing buildings, which do not currently have any all-user restrooms. This is an ongoing project. Any new restrooms opening on campus will be added to the interactive map linked above.

History of all-user restrooms at PCC

  • 2012: Students begin advocating for all-user restrooms and conduct the first student survey.
  • 2013: A group of impacted students and staff form the Gender Neutral Bathroom Taskforce to address the lack of inclusive restroom options at PCC.
  • 2014: The Gender Neutral Bathroom Task Force expands to become the Gender Inclusive Spaces Committee and asks cabinet to create multi-stall all-user restrooms on campus.
  • 2015: New buildings include single occupancy all-user restrooms.
  • 2016: U.S. and Oregon Departments of Education release new guidelines for supporting transgender students. The PCC Office of Equity and Inclusion forms a new task force in response. This task force partners with the Gender Inclusive Spaces Committee to renew calls for multi-stall all-user restrooms.
  • 2017: PCC’s Cabinet approves the creation PCC’s first multi-stall all-user restroom at the Southeast campus

Frequently asked questions