Staff and faculty resources


Sample syllabus statements about pronouns

This course will be conducted in an atmosphere of mutual respect and affirms people of all gender expressions and identities. Please address me as ________ and my pronouns are ________. I was provided with a class roster with your name as it appears in the PCC system. However, if you prefer to be called a different name than what is on the roster, please let me know. You may also share your pronouns. You may request that your pronouns or a different name appear on some college records (including class rosters and email) in MyPCC or by contacting [opens in new window].

To learn more about pronouns, see the GLSEN pronouns resource sheet [pdf].

All-user restrooms

Request a class rap about QRC services and events

To request a class rap, please email one of the coordinators below and include your class, date and time, as well as number of students.