How to drop a class

Financial aid students

financial aid stop lightBe careful: dropping a class can reduce your award or require you to pay money back. Talk to financial aid before you drop or withdraw.

VA benefits students

Before you drop, ask the Veterans Education Benefits Office if it will affect your benefits.

F-1 International students

Be careful: dropping a class can cause you to fall out of status. Talk to OISS [opens in new window] before you drop or withdraw.

If you change your mind about a class, you can drop it from your schedule and receive a full refund as long as you do it before the drop deadline. Even if you don’t attend the class, you must drop the class or you will be held liable for the charges on your account.

How to drop

  1. Click register for classes in the term-to-term checklist in MyPCC
  2. Click add or drop classes and choose the correct term
  3. Choose drop from the dropdown
  4. Click the submit changes button
screenshot of look up classes page with action drop down circled
screenshot of term-to-term checklist with drop and withdraw deadlines circledWhen to drop

The drop deadline depends on how long a class is. See deadlines for your classes in MyPCC by clicking see drop and withdraw deadlines in the term-to-term checklist. Dates may be adjusted due to emergencies or closures.

Deadline to drop by class length
Class length Drop deadline Refund Transcript
8-12 weeks
10pm on second Tuesday of term Full refund No mark
on transcript
2-7 weeks
10pm on first day of class
Under 2 weeks 10pm on day before first day of class
Community Ed Deadlines vary, see Community Ed refund and drop policy


You can drop until the drop deadline. After the drop deadline, it’s called withdrawing, and it has different consequences. You have to pay for the class and it will show as a W on your transcript. W grades don’t affect your GPA but they can affect your financial aid standing.

How to withdraw
  1. Click register for classes in the term-to-term checklist in MyPCC
  2. Click add or drop classes and choose the correct term
  3. Choose withdraw from the dropdown
  4. Click the submit changes button
When to withdraw

The withdraw deadline depends on how long a class is. See deadlines for your classes in MyPCC by clicking see drop and withdraw deadlines in the term-to-term checklist.

Length of class Withdraw deadline Refund Transcript
11-12 weeks By tenth Saturday of term No refund W on transcript
2-10 weeks 10pm on last day of class
Under 2 weeks Before first day of class
After the withdraw deadline

After the withdrawal deadline, the instructor may assign you a grade for the course. If you experience a sudden and unexpected circumstance that prevents you from meeting the withdrawal deadline, you can appeal for an exception. To submit an appeal, submit an Academic Records Appeal. We’ll send an email to your MyPCC email address within 30 days to let you know the outcome. For assistance with tuition charges, see tuition appeals.

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