Grade options

Changing your grade option in MyPCC
Credit students choose between three grade options, provided the department has permitted all options:
- Letter grade: A, B, C, D, F
- Pass/no pass: P, NP
- Audit: Aud (with instructor permission)
How to change your grade option
If you don’t choose an option, you’ll automatically have the default option for that class. The default is generally a letter grade, but it could be pass/no pass.
- Log in to the MyPCC Home tab
- Click Register for classes in the Term-to-Term Checklist
- Click Change Grade Options
- Change your grade option in the drop-down and click Submit Changes
When to change your grade option
- Letter grade and Pass/no pass: For most classes, the deadline is the tenth Saturday of the term. For short-term classes, the deadline is sooner. To see the deadline for your class, log in to MyPCC and click See drop, withdraw and grade option deadlines in the Term-to-term checklist.
- Audit: by 5pm on the second Tuesday of the term – see the academic calendar.
Things to consider when choosing grade options
- It’s best to take required courses, like those required for your degree, for a letter grade.
- A pass grade may not satisfy the prerequisite of C or better required for entry into some courses.
- There is a limit to the number of pass credits that can apply towards a degree or certificate. Check with an advisor about the limit for your program.
- There is a limit to the number of pass credits that will transfer to other schools. Check with an advisor at the institution you plan to transfer to.
- Learn more about PCC’s grading guidelines.
Auditing a class
With instructor permission, some courses allow students to attend without receiving a grade or credit for the course. You must pay full tuition and fees, and financial aid doesn’t cover audited classes.
- Email the instructor from your PCC email account to see if an audit is allowed. Include your G-number and the CRN.
- If your instructor approves your request to audit, they must forward your email request, along with their approval, to [opens in new window] by 5pm on the second Tuesday of the term.
- Pay full tuition and fees for the course.
Instructors are expected to state on their course handouts any specific audit requirements. Auditing a course does not satisfy the requirements for entry into courses where prerequisites are specified.
Seniors auditing a class
Seniors may audit and receive free tuition for credit classes taken for an audit grade. With instructor permission, some courses allow students to attend without receiving a grade or credit for the course. If the instructor approves you pay only fees for the course and the tuition charges are removed. See more information about senior options.
Read the complete grading policy here: Academic Policies and Standards Handbook: Grading Guidelines.