Details for Employers
Benefits to Employers

The Cascade Job Fair brings hundreds of local employers together in the same room.
“This is the Best Job Fair in the City of Portland” enthusiastically reflects Mark Curnell from Oregon/Idaho AAA Human Resources. He continues “for a number of reasons; the support staff is outstanding, there is a high applicant flow, the publicity, and it is well advertised in fact the promotion of the event is superb.”
The same comments are echoed by the majority of employers who attend the event annually.
Urban Campus Offers Diversity of Candidates
Portland’s premier urban campus invites you to meet over 1,000 job seekers in just 4 hours. Come recruit from one of the most diverse student and community populations in the metro area.
Workers Trained in High-Demand Fields
Portland Community College offers the most comprehensive training selections of any community college in the state. From accounting to welding technology, students can choose from over 80 career technical fields, two year Applied Associates degree, or transfer degrees to 4 year colleges. Our students emerge prepared to contribute to your organization.
Come Meet and Hire our Students, Graduates, and Community Members
Join us at the Cascade Campus for the opportunity to share your organization’s career paths and employment opportunities. Employer space is limited. Discounts are given for early registration and CBO’s, so don’t delay.
Each participating employer receives
- Extensive advertising of the event in Portland metro newspapers.
- Event is promoted at all Four PCC Campus locations, Three PCC Workforce Training Centers, PCC satellite locations and PCC Shuttle Busses that run the I-5 corridor.
- Targeted recruitment throughout the community to churches, area schools and community organizations
- Your company’s name and a link to your web site on the PCC Job Fair web page.
- Day-of fair program with your company’s name and table location at the fair (if registration is received before 4/1/20) .
- A list of current positions with your company’s name will be posted at the fair.
- One 6′ table with table cloth and two chairs.
- Free wireless access, for employers, in gymnasium during the event.
- Two lunch tickets included (there is a fee for additional lunch tickets).
- Free continental breakfast.
- Assistance with loading and unloading equipment.
- Shuttle van from employer parking lot to job fair event location.
- Limited number of electrical outlets available.
Early Bird Registration
Opens October 1, 2019 (1). Available through December 31, 2019.
Standard Rate
Basic rate is $400. Increases to $450 on January 1, 2020.
Government Rate
Government Agency rate is $300. Increases to $350 on January 1, 2020.
Non-profit Rate
Non-profit community based organization rate is $200. Increases to $250 on January 1, 2020.
1 Registration and payment due by December 31, 2019 to qualify for early bird pricing.