Grants Office

Grants Office 722 SW 2nd Avenue, DC 115, Portland, OR, 97204 | 971-722-4643 | Fax: 971-722-8390 | [opens in new window]


Man using a video camera at an eventWoman working with electronics equipmentWoman wearing a helmet at a ropes course

The Grants Office supports equitable student success by facilitating the development and writing of grant proposals to support PCC projects that encourage belonging, inspire teaching and learning innovation, expand best practices, foster partnerships, and integrate systemic initiatives.

We help PCC faculty and staff navigate the grant-seeking and management processes.

The Grants Office provides:

  • Informational resources about grant opportunities at the local, state, and federal program level
  • Guidance on project fit with grant opportunities that advance PCC’s mission and strategic priorities
  • Connections with local, state, and federal agencies and organizations
  • Grant expertise, including proposal development, writing, and grant management

For staff and faculty with project ideas, use the links below. For students looking for grants, please refer to the PCC financial aid website.

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