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ENG195 Film Studies: Film as Art

Campus contacts

Enhances understanding of film through analysis of film history and form. Develops visual literacy and analysis skills by offering a range of tools to study any film. Explores ways in which a film may both contribute and react to its time and culture. Analyzes film through studying the techniques by which it was made. Substantiates observations with examples taken from film tradition and from the film itself. Prerequisite: (RD 115 and WR 115) or IRW 115 or equivalent placement. Audit available. (See course content and outcomes.)

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Credits: 4

List of classes for ENG195 Film Studies: Film as Art
CRNClass typeLocationDays & timeDatesSeats availableFacultyMore info
43094In-personSylvania CT 212
Monday and Wednesday
from 3 to 4:50pm

From September 23 through December 11, 2024
Patrick WaltersBooks for CRN 43094 $0
Class details for CRN 43094

Class schedule definitions

cost is based on the number of credits – see tuition and fees
$0 or <$40 means low cost books (doesn't include other supplies like calculators)
use the CRN to register in MyPCC – see how to register
Class types:
see more about class types
  • In-person: classes take place at specific times and locations. Attendance in person is required.
  • Online: classes do not have meeting times. Regular online interaction is required and there are weekly assignments.
  • Remote: classes take place at specific times online. Students must be logged in during class meeting times.
  • In-person and remote: classes meet both in-person and remotely. Attendance at both is required.
  • In-person and online: classes meet in-person with additional online activities required.
  • Remote and online: classes meet remotely with additional online activities required.